20/11/2012: New Manga Releases This Week

For those wondering why the price of Thermae Romae is so high, it's because it is a hardback.

I plan to get Is This a Zombie? and The Limit.

There is also a manhwa, Aron's Absurd Armada, which I plan to get too.

Last, the latest Haruhi Suzumiya novel, The Indignation of Haruhi Suzumiya is also out now in English.
Is This a Zombie? is on its way, and I got Indignation of Haruhi last week. Didn't realise that Umineko was coming out, so I'll order that at some point; hopefully the manga tells the story a bit better than the anime did.
Nothing In Line to collect from that lot, but there's a few to collect eventually.

The Thermae Romae Release does look really bang tidy, If I didn't have a lot on my plate already that would be bought sharpish.


The Beast itself!
The thing that I don't understand about the Thermae Romae release is that the false cover is designed to cover the rude bits of that Roman statue, but the spine of the book has the exact same image, albeit much smaller, uncensored. So, it looks as if it is OK to show the penis if it is a very small one.
Dat Sailor Moon set ..ah!

Still need to pick up Spice & Wolf & X ..hopefully next month, only ever read Ouran Manga ..really need to start reading more :/

Slightly off topic here but I don't know who to ask but anyone know if the Magi Manga will be released over here?