2 American anime voice actor to appear at London EXPO


Stand User
Schedule to appear at the next London MCM Expo on 29-30th May are American anime voice actors: <strong>Yuri Lowental & Kyle Hebert</strong>. <strong>Yuri Lowental</strong> has voice anime roles such as <strong>Sasuke</strong> in <strong>Naruto</strong> & <strong>Suzaku Kururugi </strong>in<strong> Code Geass </strong>while<strong> </strong><strong>Kyle Hebert </strong>has voiced<strong> Kamina</strong> from <strong>Gurren Lagann</strong> and <strong>Aizen</strong> from<strong> Bleach</strong>.

<a href="http://twitter.com/BeezEnt/status/10562114004">Yuri Lowental Source</a>
<a href="http://www.londonexpo.com/news/street_fighter_to_be_a_knockout__mcm_expo.html">Kyle Hebert Source</a>