What is the Monogatari Series?
Monogatari Series Summary 「AMV」 by
Monogatari Series, which is a Japanese light novel series written by Japanese novelist Nisio Isin. The story centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who is almost...
Use this space to post information regarding titles that are soon to be OOP or already are. Found a listing for a near or already out of print release? You can post the link here. Not limited to UK releases.
In summary, this thread represents "Second Chance", allowing anyone to grab a missed...
🛍️ Items for sale:
🇬🇧 DVD (UK Release)
🇺🇸 Blu-ray (US Release)
🇺🇸 DVD (US Release)
🇦🇺 Blu-ray (AU Release)
🇦🇺 DVD (AU Release)
🇯🇵 Blu-ray (JP Release)
🇯🇵 DVD (JP Release)
🇰🇷 Blu-ray (KR Release)
🇰🇷 DVD (KR Release)...
Many people prefer not to spend large amounts on Aniplex of America releases so I decided to make a thread dedicated to Aniplex of America Blu-ray titles that have cheaper Blu-ray releases in the UK and Australia, and also if the cheaper alternative is a good alternative.
Here are some rules...
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