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  1. E

    UKA post their annual anime awards

    I mentioned season 1 of this in 2015's awards and got a lot of blank looks, haha. Also I still havent watched Season 2 despite supposedly being a big fan,oops! Ooof, yea. If you have an Android device I'd recommend BeyondPod, which is a very good Podcast catcher. You are entirely correct with...
  2. E

    UKA post their annual anime awards

    This is one of the reasons why we are looking at changing up the awards next year to cover this, as mentioned The main reason to my mind is that they both came out VERY close to the awards, and so people did not have time to watch them! I only got the FMA set a week before the awards, and we...
  3. E

    UKA post their annual anime awards

    Hello! I am Elliot Page, the host of the UK Anime Network Podcast, previously discussed. I wanted to offer some answers to questions raised earlier on regarding the year end awards, and am happy to answer any additional questions you may have. Apologies for the mild thread necromancy - Also I...