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  1. P

    Figures for sell

    So is the £6.75 postage on top of those adjusted prices? I'm interested in the Sakagami Tomoyo fig. Do you have any images of box condition etc.? Oh god didn't even notice the age of the thread.
  2. P

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    Where they get them from doesn't matter. If they're outsourcing their subtitles and those subtitles are bad, they're doing something wrong. Yes, mistakes will happen. In everything. The issue is the frequency of mistakes. If I notice less mistakes in a fansub than whatever Crunchyroll puts out...
  3. P

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    You being unfamiliar with common internet culture is not me being retarded. You have near enough 5000 posts here, perhaps you should visit more than one place of discussion now and then? Also if you read through this thread before randomly commenting you'll see there is only one paragraph that I...
  4. P

    Figure discussion/picture thread

    These 2 stuck in customs. Considering this. Miserably hoping for some Lain merch for the 15th anniversary (there was something for the 10th) or another Alter Ayanami Rei.
  5. P

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    I'm referring to these sorts of people, along with >90% of Western anime fans. If you find that I've struck a nerve and thus find me insufferable, then I whole heartedly apologise :roll:
  6. P

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    Hey, I'm not angry! That's just my writing style. The only numbers I made up are in the first paragraph of the Supporting the industry? section. But even then, I was ridiculously generous with my estimates to the point where I'm undervaluing the support imports make and overvaluing the support...