Search results

  1. M

    I have the moneh, need anime to buy!

    Just wondering if you could recommend any Anime to buy as i've just sold mah Xbox and DS, so want to go all out and buy a bunch of anime with the moneh. So, any sudgestions?
  2. M

    Where is mah Code Geass BLURAY!

    Hey, not sure if i've posted this before or it's been mentioned but has anyone heard, seen or just anything about a Blu Ray release for Code Geass, as it's mah favourite show and it deserves one, right?! :D
  3. M

    Clannad: After Story

    Just wondering if anyone knows if Clannad: AS is coming to blu ray. As i know CLannad is this novemeber, so yeh. When? P.S, sorry if it's in the wrong bit on the forum