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  1. odysseus

    Help me find old anime about mysterious coffin...

    Thought the same but I read through descriptions of all the segments of RC and nothing seemed familiar. I might just watch it anyway though cause it seems to be something I’d like regardless. Pretty sure I’m not combining multiple stories, and far as I can tell none of the segments include some...
  2. odysseus

    Help me find old anime about mysterious coffin...

    Interesting articles indeed! I’ll have to check them out when I get a moment. Like I said in another reply identifying the language through memory alone is impossible, but I’ll have to look more deeply into European co-productions. Many thanks!
  3. odysseus

    Help me find old anime about mysterious coffin...

    Very interesting. I hadn’t considered it might be an international co-production. I’ll definitely explore this angle since nothing has yielded any results. Unfortunate since it was aired on a kid’s channel the film was dubbed in Albanian, so I’ve got no clue what the original language might’ve...
  4. odysseus

    Help me find old anime about mysterious coffin...

    Hello all, Finding this film has bugged me for years and years, and after sporadically searching for it on google, consulting ChatGPT, and posting on a couple subreddits, I’m almost convinced this thing is unsolvable. It’s very possible the title I’m looking for is an OVA or a short film or...