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  1. G

    So what series are you following at the moment?

    i actually had the same thing with bleach, followed it for 50 episodes thinking, is this going to end any time and then bam before i knew it 300 episodes 0.o
  2. G

    So what series are you following at the moment?

    Me, i am currently following My little sister can't be this cute (pervy what can i say) Bleach, Ika musume, and yosoga no sora (which so far seems intresting ^^) what about you?
  3. G

    Cartoon Network - Grey's in Anime

    so many memes, in just one episode............ every time i see that i die a little inside:C
  4. G

    Sooo Mitsudomoe and SYD are over :C

    watching seitokai no ichizon as we speak, seems like a slightly less perverted version of SYD ^^.
  5. G

    Sooo Mitsudomoe and SYD are over :C

    Anything like these worth giving a go. I miss Luck star so mcuh :C
  6. G

    A Wild Grimnaw Appears!!

    What a warm welcome ^^.
  7. G

    A Wild Grimnaw Appears!!

    Erm, abit of everything, mainly prefer to play indie music (interpol and the strokes)but with regards to anime currently learning the latest bleach intro, but J rock is so very hard to play.
  8. G

    Zombie outbreak! What would YOU do?

    First things first, supplies, i would start looting straight away. get enough food for a month or two. Next step is weapons, i would go to the little farm next to my house and steal the guys shotguns. Next kill and loot my dealer. Step 4 ??????? Step 5 when i run out of drugs and food. i...
  9. G

    A Wild Grimnaw Appears!!

    Hey, thought i'd announce myself, never really used a forum until now, didn't think there was any one else like me out there :P. About me: My name is Rikky, you can call me Rik. My hobbies are playing my bass, the world of warcraft. Add a little cannabis and some anime into the equation and...