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  1. R


    Ha, glad you enjoyed it. 'tis a little different when you live here! Everyone, thanks!!! :)
  2. R

    Anime review websites

    I usually just read a few reviews by the same person. If I find I generally agree with their tastes, I watch what they've reviewed. If I disagree, I look for any anime's they've disliked.....I'm a bit contrary like that anyway though....
  3. R

    The Metal Thread

    I'm a little bit of a Tarja fanboy, I'll admit that. My Winter Storm is utterly amazing. I guess I just like the contrast between the metal and the opera styles. I guess that's why I like Epica. Simone is superb as well.
  4. R

    u know a serect.

    Pterodactyl's.........for target practise! (I'm not a very good shot)
  5. R

    Anime review websites

    Asu no Yoichi was panned by a few reviewers. I absolutely loved Vandread! And I even really liked the Da Capo series'. One review used a fairly predictable 'r' in the title of the review......
  6. R

    The Metal Thread

    Metal Is reviving old thread's cool? I'm loving Dream Theater, Epica and Sabaton right now....
  7. R

    Anime review websites

    I just love them. Because a lot of the anime I enjoy is always written off as rubbish. Which means I have rubbish tastes. LOL. I'll admit, the animation quality isn't a big deal to me unless it's beyond dreadful. I guess I'm not hardcore?
  8. R


    Hello all! Not quite sure how to introduce myself really. I'm interested in quite a lot of things and I try to be amusing, so hopefully we'll have ourselves some fun. Life is a zero-sum game, so lets enjoy it eh?