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  1. J

    New Anime Releases 12/10/2009

    I see atleast one person got the joke w/e people want to call it and I should really put sarcastic points in italics I was going to buy Gundam 00, but I've decided to get a guitar :P
  2. J

    The General Conversation Area

    I was going to buy Eagle eye/ the newish Greenday CD for £5, someone I know said that Greenday have been producing generc music that their label feeds them, and on the other hand, watching a film once on my Xbox would be a waste of time (ps I hardly listen to music except my brother when he has...
  3. J

    Hello Anime lovers/ Epic Gamers!

    and I quote: "he's", some people would take it as you said he is better than us, but neglect trying to prove it, me too :twisted: Besides, it took me the first episode of Endless Eight to realise she wanted to help him do his homework, people said something about romance, and the yr tpd lik...
  4. J

    Hello Anime lovers/ Epic Gamers!

    I generally don't create alot of, this flash game has ANNOYING FX music but it's kind of awesome to play, anyways, I don't create alot of introductions, but I generally ceate alot of things which would make people stop debating (how do you close a thread? XD) The game, ShellCore command...
  5. J

    Minami Con 16 - April 2010

    It would take me 4 days 7 hours (non stop at normal speed) to get there... QQ by walking.
  6. J

    What manga are you reading now?

    Seventeen is loli? I guess the story is set in America... the age of consent is about what, thirty, there? ;) Try 50 xD
  7. J

    New Anime Releases 12/10/2009

    Get a job? Me too, and at 16 in a Recession, and getting behind in college homework how could I QQ :P Well, since need practically no sleep, (best to have is (6)7-8(9) hours, more is bad for you, less just makes you feel Uh-oh) and nothing to do, I should get a weekend job, work 48 hours...
  8. J

    Hello Anime lovers/ Epic Gamers!

    Hello everyone, I'm 16 and male, I first saw got into anime when I was young, I watched the Moonkins w/e and then When I was around 10 (give or take a few years) I got a computer and watched This Ugly Yet Beautiful world ,because I saw one episode of it on Propeller on Sky. They stopped...