Search results

  1. K

    Things you've seen in anime that you wish were real...

    i wish that princess ai was real cos she ish awesome <_> ! ((BTW live action movie of Ai is comming out soon))
  2. K

    Things you've seen in anime that you wish were real...

    ok i changed my avvie :D sorry i was'nt aware cos i'm 15 my self hehe ><
  3. K

    Lucky Star

    the reason why it gets better after episode 4 is cos the director changes
  4. K

    Lucky Star

    this show is the best! EVER! seriously it converted my first time i saw it. anyway i love this show its awesome :D
  5. K

    Things you've seen in anime that you wish were real...

    i wish that konata was real from lucky star :( she is so awesome
  6. K

    SelfMadeHero's Manga Shakespeare

    i am doing shakespear in english at the moment and i like the romeo and juliet thing so i'll get this read it in class and my teacher will be like "huh what are you reading?" and i can be like "romeo and juliet miss."
  7. K

    List the anime youve watched!

    ok heres mine Pokemon Sailor Moon Digimon Yu-gi-oh love hina FMA zone of the enders outlaw star excel saga lucky star puni puni poemi dragon pink bible black tokyo mew mew Card captors.. and some others i can't remember the names of
  8. K

    Lucky Star!

    T_T sorry
  9. K

    Ask our reporter in Japan!

    how much would it cost about for 2 weeks in a hotel (not exactally wanting a top of the range hotel) and a flight for two people? cos i really wanna go sorry if this question has been repeated T_T also would like the numbers in pounds :D thank you!!!
  10. K

    Lucky Star!

    you gotta watch this its uber :3 its nice and ccute and adorible and wutesy butesy!
  11. K

    Your viewing journal

    over the past 2 weeks i've been watching lucky star...i love this anime it rules and the main character is so much like me ^_^ onl...shes a girl...and i would recommend this to anyone. i watched episode 10 yesterday can't wait til' episode 11 to come out!!! :D :D :D OHA LUCKY!
  12. K

    Greetings friends!

    hello there i am klingy also know to others as the cold one (not cos i'm mean cos i'm a frost mage) i hope i can be accepted into this community :D