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  1. N

    Need help to identify an Anime!

    Okay, I got really interested when someone told me about this anime, but sadly the board went offline, the board where they told me - and I've completely forgotten the name *mental block* DX. So, I was wondering if anyone has seen/heard of/read the anime/manga. It was being produced in 1995...
  2. N

    Anime opening songs...

    Where can I find them? Do you know any websites where I can buy them? Where would sell the CDs? Thanks. :wink: EDIT: I changed it, sorry =S I only just realised I'm stupid :oops:
  3. N

    Hello ^^

    Hi, I'm Ellie, my username is KyOu becuase Kyou is my favourite character from Fruits Basket. I love anime and manga, obviously, and know about this forum through my brother (DaNiMe). Umm... that's about it. ^^ - KyOu
  4. N


    What happaned to it? I mean, I looked on and it has vol 1&2, 3&4 then 11! Also the movie, I've got that though. I'm really confused, is there a boxset out yet? :? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks
  5. N

    Stratos 4 Boxset

    Does anyone know where I can get it in the UK? I'm not even sure if it's out yet, but otherwise I'm going to buy the seperate DVDs.
  6. N

    Fruits Basket

    Any Fruba fans out there? I know that I'm very into the Anime, and Manga. For those whom have watched/read it what do you think of it, post away!