Search results

  1. Lucky_Deity

    Quints English Patch?

    Seeing as the Quints visual novels recently released in English on Switch does anyone know if the Japanese releases got an English patch or not? Just because the games are digital only in English and if possible I'd like to own physical copies.
  2. Lucky_Deity

    Top Favourite Anime of the Year (2024 Update)

    I wasn't sure if there was a better thread for this so I decided to make one. I briefly wanted to go over my top anime of last year and would be interested in others as well. Seeing as I finished Pluto and Horimiya S2 yesterday and we're still early into 2024, thought it was best to do it now...
  3. Lucky_Deity

    Pokemon Trading Thread

    Any Pokemon players here? Thought it would be a good idea to have a thread for reliable trades if anyone is interested. Playing the recent DLC for Scarlet and Violet and have trade evolutions I need to get but players online don't send them back once they're evolved (have lost a number of...
  4. Lucky_Deity

    Lucky_Deity's Anime Sale

    Hi, Using this thread to sell any anime, manga or games I don't want anymore or plan to upgrade the release of. I will be be using PayPal to accept payment for anyone interested or you can get them from my ebay store. I will charge postage and packaging on ebay to cover ebay fees but if you...
  5. Lucky_Deity

    Multi-Region Blu-Ray Player Recommendations?

    Being an anime collector it has come to the point I need to invest in a multi-region player, been meaning to for years tbh and I have the new Sailor Moon blu-ray on pre-order so would like to actually watch it. I've had a little look around but wanted to know what you guys would recommend the...