Yeah, kinda. Yeah. I wanna talk to you guys some more later. Email: incase you wanna add me. See you later caz =P Bye everyone ^_^
I kept getting stopped every 5 minutes to have pictures. Lot's of guys =P I'm not complaining though ^_~ Hehehe. I got my picture with a sasuke look alike and couldn't keep a straight face.
rofl gundam! He must have been joking!
photo's from the convention. I look crazy in all of them >_< on sunday they had daleks! They were so cool. You were allowed to climb inside them when you wanted to and talk.
I loved making the costume! Hm. I think it's unfair they made you take off the blades. Vincent had a claw thing made of plastic shards, they probably thought he was so cute "He couldn't possibly be dangerous! He's kawaii" Youngens are so lucky. Are you going to cosplay this time around, Mage?
Hehehe. Yeah. Have you noticed that on the ground floor of the expo where the toilets are, there are some stairs leading into the convention. I wonder if maybe i could have gotten into the convention without paying. (Evil laugh) I bought an extra extra extra large red t-shirt and basically...
oh Yeah! I did see her. Wow. Onto page 5 already. I feel some what responsible =S. I've still got my little stamp thing on my hand. Won't come off.
Ayame is the best! When Kyo wakes up and he's sleeping next to him. XD
I don't like the thought of dying my hair. Don't dyes cause cancer?? =S
Anna who?
good point
My parents hate anime. They say if i spent more time studying then i did watching anime I could be Einstien. Who would want to be him anyway? He's nearly bald! And my parents don't give me money ;_; My sister might be joining us in a minute. She only came on sunday. She was wearing a...
You mean the Anime Ost cd's or cd's in general. Yeah. I wanted to get the naruto ost. 'Spensive! I could find it on amazon cheaper. Oo! There was so much stuff i wanted to buy. I also wanted to get those special manga art work pens. So cool! I might try and buy some of those next time. I...
Going with parents is difficult. Going in a group is murder! Everyone kept getting lost etc. Although, it was mainly me wandering off ^_^; I was taking snapshots of all the cosplay peeps. One piece is on toonami at the moment. The weirdest anime I've ever seen even stranger than Hale nochi Guu.
I wanna see that =P Hehe. We've got loads of time to prepare. 1,2,3,4,5 ish months. I'll be 15 by then! Woo! Did you guys go with loads of other people?
Yeah horo horo is cute. (Just did a google search) Blue hair. How would you get your hair like that?! Although it's easier for guys as you have shorter hair. I'm never cutting my hair again. Huge mistake.
(Over use of the word hair)
Haha! Evangelion. You won't catch me in a plug suit! Yeah. An anime with a wide cast. This may just be because I'm a huge naruto fan, but characters from naruto would be a good option. Lot's of characters in it. If that was the case I'd probably be Ino or hinata.
I was walking around with 5 other people. Some one was BOUND to remind me to eat. We had a little kid tagging along with us dressed as Vinent valentine. Soo KAWAII! Yeah and he was hungry every 5 mins. I have tons of posters and I don't know what any of them are. Half of them I'm not...
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