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    The General Conversation Area

    My real interest in the phenomenon of religion is not so much in studying it word for word, or in any way gullibly believing any of it, but to research the origins of religion, to trace back the true roots of the current dynamic paradigm, to trace the influence religion and its corruption have...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Thanking you Tachi;)
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Hey can ya tell me if you got my pm, cause its not appearing in my sentbox, even though its apparently sent. Thanks!!
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    JEsus what is going in with my grammar recently :P :P
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Oh cool, disint notice, Ill get right on it:)
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    I can genuinly say that as much as I respect your opinion, I heartily disagree. I mean seriously, as much as some people ARE paranoid, and as much as some people DO have mental problems, I can assure you I and many others aside are just as critical as you say you are, the way you discount for...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Ha no offence to you, but that article is a shambles, a completely textbook attempt to jump on the bandwagon thats currently stepping up pace that somehow to be a "conspiracy theorist" is actually a psychological condition, that has quite literally been recently posited in some recent American...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Oh and before citizengeek comes on and starts ranting about me being a far-left extremist or a raving conspirator without actually checking any of my information, Id just like to ask.....well that you dont^___^ I know the kind of stuff that I say seems somewhat insane, but weve been gradually...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Yes, Africa is being kept down by corporate interests in the West - mainly companies with no sense of social responsibility interested in plundering their natural resources for maximum profit. I don't really believe the issue lies in big bad corporations. Have to beg to differ there chaos...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    The big bad corporations are an important factor of course, I agree with your last point about learning to fish, though, frankly it WONT happen unless the elites see fit, that is a fact.All the aids in the world are in NO WAY reducing rates of death or starvation in Africa, most of these...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Hey I do apologize if I seemed uncivil, really, point taken. Hmm Al Gore Carbon credits anyone, listen Ayase, you have to start thinking outside of financial gain here, you really do. But listen, for real Listen chemical testing on unwilling human subjects is a fact, like I said look into...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Okay Ill have to let our opinions split here, all Ill say is that you have just given me the classic descriptin of the so called secret societies as simple gentlemens clubs, fair enough but I wont get into a big debate about that here, all I can say is my opinion is teh polar opposite based on...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    I dont mean all ideologies of course, Im just saying some research into the creation and dissemination through various propogandist means for very specific purposes of certain ideologies is most certainly shown to happen, and not for the good of you and me let me tell you. Like I said...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Okay I must disagree here, In other words you can, especially if you hold all the keys to the doors of society, just look into the very origin of feminism, so called new cultural ideologies and divergences are a lot less spontaneous than you might think my friend. Plain and simply the fed is...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Ayase you bring up some good points and I would like to answer you more fully tomorow when Im less half asleep,:) However I dare say you need to do a lot more reserch if thats the conclusion you came to in terms of length of collusion, just look at the Federal Reserve System, probably the...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    He Dont worry Spyro, I knew you were backinng me up;) I was just clarifying for anyone else who may see me as just that bearded old man you speak of:P The great thing about readinng is, you can read for 10 mins of 10 hours, its so flexible:) Whatever suits you bro, sall good;)
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    Lets just say Ive read a lot of books,nd continue to on a WIDE variety of topics, and Im of course reluctant to refer to such "alternate" information, as "conspiracy", as along with that comes the usual stigma and seemingly inherent untruthfullness, Im not claiming to me some sort of all...
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    Leaders all agreed on TV live debate

    More talking heads, spoutin the usual public lap-up-able crap, I could rant about who really controls governments, and has for thousands of years, and directs society towards their needs due to thier control of literally EVERY segment of it, but Id rather not have my head on a plate@P For now...
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    Planetes, been tempted for a long time.

    Great series, well worth a purchase, I agree with Ai Tanabes screachy idealism, really is overly done, but dont let it detract from a cracking series.
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    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Just finsihed watching magenetic Rose, cAant believe I havint seen the memories anime before, Ill give it 8/10, just a beautiful piece of animation.