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  1. S

    A or B?

    if the missus gives please tell me how she does it!
  2. S

    A or B?

    Whyyy Thank You *takes bow* ^_^ God, whats up ur ass... a little clit? ...OK, i'll stop... *is pleased with self* :o
  3. S

    A or B?

    Oh i getcha, i getcha :wink: ...they use their clit like a little penis? amirite? :?
  4. S

    A or B?

    I dunno... I can't speak for everyone but i don't like changing "dynamics" mid session. Taking it in turn each session, yeah thats cool, but not mid, ruin the mood. Well how can a vagigy give!!?!? and by "giving" i mean a penis in a pink or brown hole lol Well maybe you wanna ask urself why...
  5. S

    A or B?

    Hold up... How can you take as well give? It didn't specify who was the giver and who was the taker. The choice is yours... although how A would give im not sure. Theres 2 of us!? 0_o
  6. S

    A or B?

    I concur... vagigies are icky. That said if RobP had a vadge and you were doing him from behind you would never tell he had one... Unless you tried the ol' reach around and got a handful of meat curtains :S But if you wear doing a chick with a dick from behind you would be looking at a...
  7. S

    Funnyest show

    Sniff my fingar! :twisted:
  8. S

    A or B?

    Obviously... if it was a hot chick with a hot vadge there would be no question 0_o
  9. S

    A or B?

    Just as i suspected... ...although im gay and i choose B. But if A was Robert Pattinson with a vagina i think i would have choose A for the same reason as chaz,.. The Flip.
  10. S

    Funnyest show

    The title of this thread is the funnyest
  11. S

    A or B?

    Click the link below for the question. Warning: Image is of a VERY adult nature, Do not click if you are under 18, easily offended or not prepared to be completely mind f*cked. P.S. i don't know why the question...
  12. S

    The General Conversation Area

    Hey chaos, thanks ^_^ I couldn't figure out what tickets to purchase and then forgot all about it. i dont think its for a months or so yet, so thanks for reminding me. Probs sold out though. Eirtacon, yeah sounds v cool... never been to a con, i dont know any other geeks, my friends only...
  13. S

    Tekken Movie Trailer

    this trailer makes me sad. ...i was hoping this might have been good...
  14. S

    The General Conversation Area

    You wouldn't forget about AUKN and have your first post in a couple of months be about something you didn't really understand.... Hi! ^_^
  15. S

    UK Premiere: Evangelion 2.0: You can (not) advance

    Cool thanks... though i can't make sense of which tickets i need to order... Full Price Concessioon Double Feature Full Price Double Feature Concession Which of these do i need to order if i want tickets for 2 adults to see the double feature? Because the Double Feature Full price is...
  16. S

    UK Premiere: Evangelion 2.0: You can (not) advance

    I wish i lived in Glasgow :( ...i'm tempted to go for afew days just to see this. Can you buy the tickets online? I cant see anywhere on the site about purchasing tickets.
  17. S

    World News and Headline stories.

    Why so serious? You need to lighten up bitch.
  18. S

    World News and Headline stories.

    I sense tachi is looking for similar suscess with this topic that he had with "general convo" I won't allow it. I will troll this topic into it crashes and burns... or i get banned... either is good.
  19. S

    The General Conversation Area

    Hmmm i'm not sure... ive got a runny nose and a tickly cough. I think i might be dieing :?
  20. S

    Batman Arkham Asylum

    For those of you who don't know the sequel has just been officially announced. Theres a teaser trailer floating around. Seems 2 face is the new main bad guy.