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    Marvel vs Capcom 3

    Nemesis is just Hulk with tentacles and Dr. Strange seems really over-powered. That said I'd so much rather play with Nemesis than any of the other RE characters who are all incredibly boring.
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    The DC Comics Reboot

    Not really interested in the reboot all that much but I'll give a few issues of whatever a go, definitely gonna torr-- buy as much as I can. EDIT: OMG, the writer of American Vampire is covering Swamp Thing, I'm ALL over it. Definitely gonna try Green Arrow, some Batman, Teen Titans...
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    What Games Are You Playing? Finished Grandia today, I've had a history with this game that's probably spanned a decade, played it multiple times but never finished it, I got onto disc 2 a few times but never got further than Zil Padon ruins. Today I finished the game & there...
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    Anyone still playing Super Street Fighter 4? (XB360)

    Still yet to play anyone on here, I see Fabio on a lot but I'm far too nice to try and actually convince him to play.
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    AUKNites Tattoo's

    I still want it, not sure where though.
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    sonic games discussion

    It's decent but not Hideki Naganuma level.
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    sonic games discussion Oh hey, a Sonic game with good music.
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    The only good thing about Soul Calibur has always been the guest characters. Finished the last good Final Fantasy game the other day, onto Grandia now.
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    sonic games discussion

    Franchise needs to ******* DIE, IMO. Bring back Space Channel 5 and Jet Set Radio in its stead.
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    New Hunter X Hunter anime green lit... ... ast-listed We might have another FMA: Brotherhood on our hands. Ugh.
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    Anyone still playing Super Street Fighter 4? (XB360)

    Yeah I'm down for some casual matches in Endless Battle, although I'll have to tone it down to SSF:IV (No more Makoto buffs) I "main" Makoto, Cammy and Cody. I sometimes use Dudley & Ibuki, but I can mess around with anyone I guess.
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    Anyone still playing Super Street Fighter 4? (XB360)

    Yeah, I play SSF:IV regularly only game I play on my Xbox right now & I don't use any of the shotos since I actually have some self respect. I have AE, so I've mainly been playing that rarely ever played regular SSF:IV.
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    The Hangover - 7/10 The Dark Knight level of over rated amongst the unintelligent people on my Facebook friends list. It has its moments, was funny in parts but as usual because of "HAHA SO FUNNY" I expected a lot more. Zach G made the movie. Bruno - 8/10 This film was funnier than...
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    Megaman Legends 3

    What did you expect after Inafune left, he was the only one really holding MegaMan up, no one else cares about it. Game would've ended up **** anyway, Capcom did you a favour especially seeing how they are in their current state.
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    Bought FF:IX again since my old copy is long gone and been replaying that, on disc 3 at the moment, really enjoying it, I was really quite bad at this game as a child.
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    The 3DS set to be hit by pricecut and 20 free games

    I really want those GBA games since they are kinda hard to come by, but I'd rather wait for 3DS Lite. I like how Iwata took a 50% salary cut too for the price cut of the 3DS.
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    The Avengers

    Taskmaster had some of Hawkeye's moves though, so that was partial confirmation.
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    Marvel vs Capcom 3

    I want a Planet Hulk/WWH costume for Hulk.
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    New Hunter X Hunter anime green lit...

    Viz treated HxH pretty poorly, the dub cast is horrible when this series is "What if Naruto was good & intelligent?"
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    Marvel vs Capcom 3

    WTF @ people still hating on Rocket Raccoon, you haven't even seen how he plays yet. You should all be hating on Nemesis, most uninspired garbage in the character choices.