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  1. S

    The General Japanese Learning Thread

    僕も花火が好きだよ!でも、この映画を見なかった!いつか僕は見るだろう~ 「私 も 花火 が 好き です よ! でも、 この 映画 を 見ません でした! いつか 私 は 見ます でしょう!」
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    The General Japanese Learning Thread

    よ マイクさん~ 「ねね、久しぶり~」 = Hey hey, it's been a long time! ブロゴはここ! 読む なら ありがとう! Maybe my Japanese looks different to you, this is because I have never had lessons. I have Japanese friends in the UK and abroad so I speak with them regularly and pick things up as I go mostly! I use occasional...
  3. S

    The General Japanese Learning Thread

    ねね、久日ぶり~ このトッピクはいいじゃん~! みんなの日本語はどうですか? I started a blog relating to my learning Japanese yesterday, actually. If people want, I'll happily post up the link here~!
  4. S

    Deus Ex : Human Revolution PS3.. its GHOST IN THE SHELL!!

    Oooh. Jensen was cold. "Big words. You're a real poet." Jensen makes everything sound great.
  5. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    That'd definately explain our difference in opinion. One moment I loved was when speaking to one of the old ladies... Phelps: Thank you for talking to us Ma'am, now, do you know anything about the jewelerry she wore? Old Lady: Oh... no, no I don't. *Truth: Correct* Phelps: Ah, I see thank...
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    For sure man, I've not been on the forums for quite some time. Maybe I'll make some time more soon. No no, that's completely understandable. I am nearly always wrong with evidence too, lol. The thing I love about it is the charm; I have a place in me for cheesey cop shows. I just feel like I'm...
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    glol. With reference to my last post, this has made me want to continue Deus Ex even more now :p
  8. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    L.A. Noire I got so bored recently, I invested a whole £Not-many-pounds into buying this at last. I'm a little late to the party, but boy, is it a good party?! Sinking far too much time into this at the moment, and feeling like a replay immediately afterwards to see how things (admitedly...
  9. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    MercRaiden; I'd suggest Cloudburst or Albino Lobo. They're both very powerful RAV's.
  10. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Yeah I think it'd weird me out having her in the party too, so I'll probs just wait till end of the game~ Don't get me wrong though, I do like Serah and Noels outfits, I just think Noels maybe could have been a touch better~
  11. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Ooooooh more people playing FFXIII-2! I might as well talk about mine too then! :p Currently using Albino Lono as my RAV. I don't use COM as much, since Noel does the job well, as does Serah if pushed, but when I do yup I use Behemoth too~. I don't really run with a Healer, since I just...
  12. S

    What you guys doing right now.

    I spent the whole day looking around; all sold out. Wouldn't take Collectors Pre-orders anymore. So I bought the pre-order pack for £5 to get my steelbook, ordered collectors from Amazon- only kicker is the pre-order packs left were X360 only; so I have no DLC. Amazon sold out of DLC the day...
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    What you guys doing right now.

    Crying over the fact I've just gone to pre-oder the Collectors of FFXIII-2 on Game to get the exclusive content and it's gone. :'(
  14. S

    Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

    Since Sports Anime is being mentioned, I'm just gonna throw it out there that Prince of Tennis is amazing <3
  15. S

    The Japanese media system

    It's likely they're looking for a good use of English Language here, as opposed to in-depth knowledge of Japanese Media Systems. You rarely need prior knowledge for a degree that is so scarcely taught beneath degree level. I'd just worry more about using a diverse vocabulary, and structuring the...
  16. S

    The General Conversation Area

    あああ、 そうっか! ありがとうございます!
  17. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Yes, both :?
  18. S

    The General Conversation Area

    I was but copying the line exactly from the show. Alas, I can't see the mistake. I do realize it doesn't match up with my 'translation' exactly though, if that's what you meant.
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    What did you BUY today?

    Ooooooh~ Where from?
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    What did you BUY today?

    I can't find the Crystal version online anymore :( I've been holding off pre-ordering in the hope I can find it again...