Search results

  1. Alex93

    Whole collection sale!

    Pics of nhk?
  2. Alex93

    Luna's Search & Sale pile

    I am willing to do £65 including postage if I find part 2 for a reasonable price so will get back to you!
  3. Alex93

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    Whats arrow
  4. Alex93

    The *Im looking for* thread.

    The future diary/mirai nikki blu ray
  5. Alex93

    Mangaranga's Sale Thread (Update 19/06/16)

    Still selling tokyo esp?
  6. Alex93

    Luna's Search & Sale pile

    Also how much you selling the aot part 1 limited edition for =o
  7. Alex93

    Luna's Search & Sale pile

    Most id pay is 150 personally unfortunately!
  8. Alex93

    Luna's Search & Sale pile

    Would have to be the mint copy of haruhi unfortnately!! Ill offer £150 for that and good luck girl -- postagw wise has to be secure during transit but not be too expensive max £8
  9. Alex93

    Luna's Search & Sale pile

    Id probably be willing to offer £120 for Haruhi - not entirely sure on postage rates. Ofc your friends one ^_^ if hes selling anything else I may be interested. Good luck girl I do not mind - £20?
  10. Alex93

    Luna's Search & Sale pile

    How much for haruhi and good luck girl
  11. Alex93

    The *Im looking for* thread.

    Once I get some pics, that can be arranged no problem =)
  12. Alex93

    The *Im looking for* thread.

    How much would you be looking to sell for? Not sure how to value them now with the complete box sets recent release! And some pics pls =)
  13. Alex93

    The *Im looking for* thread.

    Anyone selling their sword art online aniplex box sets 1-4?
  14. Alex93

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    Cheapest place to get the aniplex sword art online box set?
  15. Alex93

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    Likewise --- was a good day until I realised im two hours late for work !!!!!! Hopefully these arrive by Saturday
  16. Alex93

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    No need to stress guys - our items will arrive in due time =) stressing will make you bald!!! As another post send, see what the situation is by the end of the week
  17. Alex93

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    Less worry more YOLO
  18. Alex93

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    That was....quick lol
  19. Alex93

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    +1 ordered as well looool bargain was too great
  20. Alex93

    The *Im looking for* thread.

    Anyone selling part 3 & 4 of sword art online 2 blu ray. Just got the box off ebay for!