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  1. theirsbailiff

    Illegal downloads?

    >Limewire yablewit.jpg
  2. theirsbailiff

    OOP Anime: WIP

  3. theirsbailiff

    OOP Anime: WIP

  4. theirsbailiff

    OOP Anime: WIP

    Now as we all know, companies come and go here in the Anime Industry and with that the possibility of titles, especially well known and loved ones, going out of print. With recent news that Bandai Entertainment are stopping orders of their DVDs/Blurays on November 15th/30th*, I thought it would...
  5. theirsbailiff

    The football thread!

    This isn't good. I've signed up to the Fantasy League thing and I'm not getting my confirmation email. What gives?
  6. theirsbailiff

    Types of otaku that annoy you?

    Funny, I was kinda expecting the mention of feminism to be the one to start a ruckus.
  7. theirsbailiff

    Types of otaku that annoy you?

    I'll give you Dub haters and Weeaboos, and I have no opinion on Toku Fans and Yaoi Fangirls, but I don't really consider 'person who wants a female character to be a bloodthirsty killer' as you so put it is considered a feminist at all, that and the characters you listed normally get criticised...
  8. theirsbailiff

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    That and the Boxset happens to have the words 'Fractle' on it written in big white lettering.
  9. theirsbailiff

    Top Ten Reasons to Attend Alcon

    [/returnstothread] Ah, I understand and apologize for any dickishness coming from me.
  10. theirsbailiff

    Top Ten Reasons to Attend Alcon

    Why, yes but... err.. umm.... LOOK A SQUIRREL! [/leavesthread]
  11. theirsbailiff

    Top Ten Reasons to Attend Alcon

    Genkina, you do realize that most of those things mentioned are pretty much staples of any Convention/Exhibition and that the stance here at AUKN is pretty much that anything Anime League related is terrible, right?
  12. theirsbailiff

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Well there's Phineas and Ferb and Motorcity on the channel, Pokemon Black and White (If you enjoy that sort of thing) and I think Gravity Falls is coming up on the channel soon. Then again, those are just from the top of my head.