Wasn't quite sure where to put this and figured here was as good as anywhere.
The upcoming Lone Wolf and Cub Criterion BD is £21.75 on hive.co.uk, it appears to be £60 everywhere else.
See Lone Wolf and Cub - The Criterion Collection
Probably a pricing error, and can't say I've used them in the...
Couple of arrivals. Also thinking berserk is a great looking release. If only they'd dropped the blu-ray bar from the top but if this is a indicator of the quality we may from MVM releases in the future I can't wait!
In most cases there's a few mm gap at the top which allows me to get purchase. When that isn't the case I try to leave a few mm sideways so i can just move things along a little and get hold that way. Hasn't been much of a problem TBH and with the number there I can't afford to lose space to DVD...
It is mainly the art book that makes up the difference. I've flicked through both and can't see any obvious difference in content aside from the AL version referencing the episode and cut. (There could be don't hold me to that). The AL version does seem to use a higher quality paper though. Of...
Must be something like a year and a half since I last updated so figured I'd post one. Not entirely happy with my shelving situation still but that's really only due to the ever expanding collection. Spoiler tagged all but the first image due to large sizes.
First of my Rightstuf sale orders came through today. Got hit £36 on the customs. got a fair few coming that are listed as Swiss Post through so hopefully some will be OK.
I had enough faith in the education system to believe the vast majority would have been for '15'... Until a recent multi-dimensional JRPG decided to include 'VII' in it's name pronounced 'v-2'. Now... it could be anything.
My Vue had no trailers / adverts it went right into the film. A number of people turned up ~15 minutes after it started so I'm guessing that was unexpected. Meant we got out quite promptly though.
Managed to get to see it, and glad I did. Thoroughly enjoyed. Cinema was packed. Hopefully this is a sign of more opportunities to see more Anime in this fashion.
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