Search results

  1. Eternal chibi

    What is Monogatari to you??

    I have definitely had an interesting journey with this series, more than once it has been my favourite series of the time, but sadly it did not end well for me. I first watched Bakemonogatari when it aired. I was brand new to anime, and I think this may have even been the first ever series I...
  2. Eternal chibi

    What Music are you listening to? Discussions Welcome!

    Fat Jon who is one half of the Samurai Champloo soundtrack released a new album the other day. Been listening to Foo Fighters in memory of Taylor. I was born after the whole grunge scene, so Foo Fighters really were the staple hard rock band when I was growing up. Lots of memories with them...
  3. Eternal chibi

    Rate the Last Film You Watched

    He is very likeable and meme worthy, and I love him for this. He will always be the Twilight guy. What's hilarious is how much he slates Twilight and hates it. He'll never shake it off just because of how pervasive Twilight was back when it came out.
  4. Eternal chibi

    If you need to watch something funny..

    lol I love this scene it's so meme worthy and reminded of this one I like
  5. Eternal chibi

    What you guys doing right now.

    Yes I did thank you. I didn't get sad either. Quite sometihng so see the baton passed down and a journey through many decades of great songs.
  6. Eternal chibi

    What you guys doing right now.

    I'm seeing them tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to it. It's the first band I really started to love when I was a teenager. I'm quite an emotional person, and it's going to be weird watching Phil being old when what I've grown up on is watching videos when they were all young that were made...
  7. Eternal chibi

    Who wants to see all the creative stuff I do when I'm not watching anime?

    It's the first wall I see which I assume is the most recent. They all go very well together, you've used the same colour palette in a lot of them. Fish Bird Snake is my favourite and I also really like Demon Foot. Apart from that first wall, I like Teddy Crew and Child of Light. It's at first...
  8. Eternal chibi

    If you need to watch something funny..

    I discovered the other day that one of my friends had never heard of ladder goat, and I thought everybody knew ladder goat. So... if you don't know ladder goat, please enjoy
  9. Eternal chibi

    The General Conversation Area

    Yeah it's a lot. Tool tickets are £100 for the worst seats in the arena. I like Tool, but I don't like them that much. However, there are a lot of bands that are affordable tickets. I have seen bands that in indie circles are very highly regarded for £10 a ticket. I am seeing a German metal...
  10. Eternal chibi

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I wish I had never played Mass Effect. I'm waiting for the right time to play legendary edition. For me, I need to let things settle before I replay/rewatch. Like I waited over 10 years to rewatch Death Note, and when I did, it was the best possible time. My point is, I hope you will love ME...
  11. Eternal chibi

    Godzilla at sunset

    I would still definitely watch the anime, and be scared the whole time My absolute favourite is Shadow Lady. Police mean nothing to her.
  12. Eternal chibi

    Who wants to see all the creative stuff I do when I'm not watching anime?

    You know when you're in an art gallery and there's something where you're just like "woah" because it's totally different and also says many things, that's your DA, it's really good
  13. Eternal chibi

    The Q & A Thread (for questions that do not need a thread)

    I do not know these, but I do know When They Cry, as it was my first ever anime when I was 15 years old. It is seriously awesome. The animation is a bit choppy by today's standards, but is a really classic anime that keeps you guessing and it has a very devoted fanbase for a good reason. I hope...
  14. Eternal chibi

    Godzilla at sunset

    Godzilla looks so sad! Senpai please notice him!! I like this piece as I really like purple. I also like the variety on your deviantart . However, I wish I had not seen God is in the rain, because it is going to fuel my nightmares
  15. Eternal chibi

    The Q & A Thread (for questions that do not need a thread)

    I think this is definitely something quite a few of us can relate to, as I feel our userbase has a lot of 25+ here. It is something we all eventually come across, once you have watched those awesome series that everybody knows about. You have seen hundreds of series, and then everything else...
  16. Eternal chibi

    What is the name of this horror anime?

    I would very enjoy a thread that is just people describing anime they don't know the name of in such a manner. Well done for this thorough description. You must have really enjoyed the anime. I hope it is indeed Hell Girl and you get to watch and enjoy it in it's entirety
  17. Eternal chibi

    What Music are you listening to? Discussions Welcome!

    Everybody knows this band as they did the Lain opening, but I don't think many people listen beyond that and they should. They made two really good albums. The first one is very emo. They have this perfect late 90s early 2000s sound that makes me think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Eternal...
  18. Eternal chibi

    Doctor Who Discussion

    Thank you both very much for your responses. I am using this as a reference to watch. I watched face the raven the other day and heaven sent last night. So good! I really like Peter Capaldi, as I thought I would. Heaven Sent was great! I really sensed some Harlan Ellison influence in that...
  19. Eternal chibi

    What manga are you reading now?

    I just finished reading My Brother's Husband I really love this manga! I think the ONLY two themes in all literature is death and love, and this manga focuses on both of them. I think it was a really good decision to approach Mike being gay through the eyes of a child. It's a very effective...
  20. Eternal chibi

    Rate the Last Film You Watched

    I watched Matrix Ressurections. I do really try hard to see the positives in the films that I watch. Sadly, this film was trying equally as hard to be rubbish. 0/10 Gets a 0.4 for the Space Dolphin and the enjoyment that it brought me. However this still rounds down to 0. I also watched The...