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  1. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    This guy did Sekiro blind folded, that to me is genuinely insane!
  2. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    Yes not a problem, and no pressure from my side at all here, keep an eye on the prices on that site so you can see how they compare. By the way, standing charges are abysmal across the board at the moment, all rates are up, a large % of my bill is standing charges, but it seems true no matter...
  3. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    Check out if you're still competitive, not a sales plug or anything but the tracker rates have been fairly good vs the SVR ones for a while now, so if you're not on a fixed deal where the units are cheaper there could be a saving to be made. I've been on the gas tracker since last Feb so over a...
  4. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    @AgeOfBoredom Yes it wouldn't surprise me if it fully covered all of my utility bills since I moved over, because I have solar energy so my bills are less anyway! I have a solar thread here if you're interested in seeing some figures. My system was £8.5K and by the time it's been in for 2...
  5. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    £3 for 10x the speed is 100% worth it! Upload speed being much less than download kind of sucks as I'd rather have say 500/500 than 900/120, but it's still plenty quick enough really for me. Speaking of referrals ... I never seem to have much luck with them, and I don't like trying too hard...
  6. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    As I understand it Vodafone fibre is one of two flavours, either you get it via BT Openreach which is the same network as my BT 900/120 service, or the other flavour is on the City Fibre network, yours is probably the latter because you have 1Gbit up and down, and BT OR doesn't offer such a...
  7. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    And then! Neil completed it blindfolded! o_O Honestly most games are inherently a way to spend time and don't usually serve much of an educational purpose etc, so I don't necessarily think it's true, I think the best way to play is the way that suits you the best :cool: Some people dedicate...
  8. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    That is possible, but only really likely if you supplied that cable, or it was one that was already there which they re-used. There are Ethernet cables out there that can only do 100Mbit, they're not that common, but they do exist. If the cable has Cat5 written on it, then it can only do 100...
  9. Lordhippos

    Savings and Investments

    At the risk of endlessly replying to myself, I would feel remiss if I didn't mention that anyone who is a FTB and is saving for a home deposit should look at the LISA, this allows you to get 25% free top up money from the gov each tax year, capped at £4K deposited + £1K free cash. This can only...
  10. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    PS3 may well only have 100mbit ethernet port! That console is old, probably before 1gbit ports became normal. Yes you're right of course just in some cases here you could be missing a lot of speed you do have if the device is connected to the router via a method that slows it down. If you're...
  11. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    If you're with Toob that speed you showed was definitely less than I expect, as Toob only do 900 down 900 up. Could be your WiFi, do you have anything you can plug in via ethernet such as a desktop or laptop? With things like Toob you shouldn't get slower than advertised speeds because FTTP is...
  12. Lordhippos

    Savings and Investments

    Stuff can move quickly and I think I've locked in exactly what I need to do for a little while, slight adjustment from above but this is my current plan. Trading 212 opened a cash ISA, backed by FCSC, at 5.2%. This is one of the best rates on the market. Looking at what else they did, they...
  13. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    As I've gotten older I've become more selective in what I watch/play, to a point where I only really like certain types of games or shows, and the natural result this gives is that I can run out of such things to use as entertainment. I've never really re-played or re-watched much either, which...
  14. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    Yep that is true, my internet is 900/120 and it's hugely overkill, I could easily make do with 1/3rd the speed or less, though sometimes it's nice when you're downloading a massive game or update. It's £50 per month via BT, which is OK ish, when my contract is up I was going to see if I could...
  15. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    I've basically ran out of games to play or anime I want to watch at this point! Is it a dream? I don't know lol. I don't replay or rewatch stuff very often, so for both I am awaiting new releases.
  16. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    My point was that wifi can slow down a speed test as the wifi speed plays into it as well, so you have device => wifi => internet, the speed test will never be able to exceed the speed of the wifi, if you get bad signal the wifi could slow it down. Typically your internet will have a rated...
  17. Lordhippos

    What games are you looking forward to in 2024?

    Hellblade 2 is coming out tomorrow so I'll be playing that on Game Pass. Next month SMT V: Vengeance is appearing, I'll probably get that on the PS5 but it's coming to PC as well, this is around 14/06 I think. Haven't paid too much attention to other release dates on my list of things, but...
  18. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    Hi Neil! Yes it is, it's a great game I recommend it for sure, I've been playing a bunch of things lately, posting about them in the what are you playing thread :) Been a good year for games so far, with some more on my radar that I am interested in as well. I am posting about those over in...
  19. Lordhippos

    The General Conversation Area

    Bear in mind that WiFi can also slow it down, is that the expected speed? I think around here FTTP starts at like 150 down! @Neil.T hey dude long time no see! :cool:
  20. Lordhippos

    Savings and Investments

    I feel like modern finance is a subject that most people don't really understand, either due to lack of interest (pun intended!), or simply being something that gets put on the back burner because other things are going on in life. I think the best method here is educating yourself via advice...