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  1. N

    Anime Clubs of the United Kingdom and Ireland

    Anyone here from the Basingstoke Anime Society???
  2. N

    Your viewing journal

    Just finished watching the first episode of the new season. Anyone else?
  3. N

    The General Conversation Area

    Ha! I drove past this on the way to one of my customers without realising it. They kept making jokes about explosions which I didn't get. It wasn't until I left the car in front slow down ??? looked to the right, Police tape and the usuall woden chip bored to cover the damage on the building. It...
  4. N

    What manga are you reading now?

    Sundome: I finished reading the set towards the end of last year. I must admit, I thought I made a mistake when I started reading this (as I don't buy from book stores, I couldn't check). As always though, once I buy the first volume I have to buy the rest, I'm kinda glad I did like Yakumo...