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  1. J

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Bought the first volume of Monster manga on Monday when I was in Forbidden Planet - waiting for a suitable time to sit down and savour it. (I humbly apologise for posting this 2 days late and making a mockery of the thread title)
  2. J

    Are you turning into a Manga/Anime character?

    Not sure I’ve yet found a character to aspire to, the fact that most of them are still teenagers maybe doesn’t help matters. Besides which, my hair is a dead loss – damn those genetics! Trim it short with the clippers and forget about it – so short of wearing a wig, I’m gonna fool...
  3. J

    Your viewing journal

    Last Exile, disc1 – Mmmm…liking the look of this – you have to get through the ‘battle’ of the first 2 eps but there after you start getting sucked into this unique world the brother & sister lead characters live in – refreshingly different, hard to put your finger on. Rah-Xephon...
  4. J

    Your viewing journal

    Behind the times - yes - but got round to watching the legendary Akira - haven't quite decided what I think of it yet - wasn't helped by watching it whilst my eyelids where doing there best to get in the way, ended up finishing it the following morning - still, there's definitely some...
  5. J

    Songs you like and dislike at this moment in time.

    Well, I bought the album a while back and really love some tracks and really hate others! :shock: Sounds like an tantalizing prospect, quite hard to tell from just 20sec clip though. Quite like the look of the animation video incidently.
  6. J

    Hot Gimmick - What did you think of the ending?

    Well, I’ve made my self a little list from your kind suggestions – think I’ll make it into town this coming weekend and have a browse – just got to get past those cute covers! Begin to wonder if I’m actually looking for something rather elusive – something that’s shojo, but not...
  7. J

    What you guys doing right now.

    Trying to get used to a normal 'working' day sat at my computer after an extended weekend in N.Devon walking, eating, drinking, and the 700+ miles of eye-straining driving required from this end of the country.
  8. J

    Hot Gimmick - What did you think of the ending?

    Thanks MG & CM for your guidance/suggestions :D – I’ll have to get myself to a good manga shop and take a look at some of those titles – Hot Gimmick certainly sounds like it has some potential. You mention Chocolat – I’m certainly a music junkie, its definitely where most of my...
  9. J

    Seven Seas to create yuri (lesbian) manga label in US

    Not quite sure why I should be so amused by a dinosaur shouting 'Lesbians!' - if indeed a dinosaur is capable of 'shouting' - he/she could be just thinking it perhaps - are dinosaurs capabale of such abstract thoughts? Made me laugh all the same - long live absurdity!
  10. J

    Museum of Terror, Lady Snowblood

    Well - I've ended up buying a copy of the first volume of Lady Snowblood - Foyles in London happened to have one out of its shrink wrap so I could see what it was I would be buying. Like I said, I think there is something about the female assassin that attracted me - she has this bewitching...
  11. J

    Hot Gimmick - What did you think of the ending?

    Feel like maybe I’m gate-crashing a private conversation :oops: – figured I might be talking to some people that can point me in the right direction though. General gist - wondering if its likely Hot Gimmick is for me or not. Pretty new to manga and seem to be having some trouble...
  12. J

    YouTube remove 30,000 Japanese media clips, includes anime

    Being almost total new to anime a few months back YouTube was a great way to find out what on earth was out there and decide which series I would seek the dvds out for. Won't be too bothered if it all dissappears as I think i'm happy to rent a disc for a new series on a trail basis, and...
  13. J

    Mysterious Anime shop it london

    Found myself in London this last weekend, and with my brother having a flat in Soho it was fairly handy to have a hunt around for this place. Checked out all of Maddox Street, as per multimap link, to no avail – there was a large block all under construction/development right where I think...
  14. J

    Museum of Terror, Lady Snowblood

    I did find out about the original live-action film and stuck it on my long rental list - it a question of when I sacrifice one of the many anime discs I've yet to see for that instead. Think I'll give Lone Wolf a closer look to see if it tickles my fancy, although there was something about...
  15. J

    Museum of Terror, Lady Snowblood

    Was browsing in my local Forbidden Planet looking at where at I might next spend my precious manga-pounds and these two caught my eye. Wasn’t able to actually look into Lady Snowblood since it was shrink-wrapped (is this because of its graphic nature?) but liked the look/sound of it. I know...
  16. J

    So whats your desktop?

    Don't want to dissappoint but my desktop isn't anything to do with anime - its photo I took myself when I was living in Bath of a balloon passing overhead - particularily like the interesting cloud pattern, and it makes for a nice uncluttered desktop. Besides which, I rarely see my desktop...
  17. J

    South Park - Season 10 Continues

    It's been years since I've been in touch with south park - I thought it looked like they had exhausted it in season 3 - my faith was restored a while back when I happen to catch an episode from maybe season 5 which had me in creases. I really must catch up! Are all the seasons up to scratch...
  18. J

    Am I not a bit old for this sort of thing...?

    Sounds like your mum has good taste :wink: A late thanks to the late welcomes - nice to be amoungst some friendly people - maybe I'll get to know some of you a little if I hang around long enough. Think I'm in the process of shaking off the brainwashing received from years of western...
  19. J

    Songs you like and dislike at this moment in time.

    Ahh...if only! Perhaps that would make them more watchable. Perhaps 'the work of satan' was a bad reference - afterall, doesn't he have all the best tunes?
  20. J

    The 'bounce'

    That makes a bit more sense to me know you say it - when I first came across the term 'fanservice' that was my logical assumption of what it refered to, only on further reading was my judgement swayed to thinking it must be 'base form' only. In this case, the line of this thread has to be...