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  1. C

    FF XII

    I have never seen a GAME OVER screen in any final fantasy as much as i have twelve!! Ive enjoyed the difficulty level though. Is a joy when you finally take down that boss or mark
  2. C

    Songs you like and dislike at this moment in time.

    haha i like to think i have good taste in tunesss, but on the flip side of the coin i recently went to the "Get Happy Tour" with Bowling for soup and AHEM son of dork and wheatus lol
  3. C

    Age and Sex

    23 years of age... and of the male varity....still young at heart though! lol
  4. C

    British Comedy

    No love for peep show? one of the most funnyiest things on a dire friday night line up on channel 4 over the last few years!
  5. C

    Pics, everyone

    lol u really didnt wana see what i was wearing... my mum still dosnt realsie its missing
  6. C

    Songs you like and dislike at this moment in time.

    listining to alkaline trio - mercy me alot as my cd player in my car keeps getting stuck on one track!lolol
  7. C

    Pics, everyone

    well this is me! With a chmapions beard! I must say lol