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  1. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Started New Super Mario Bros. 2. Colour me surprised, but after all the whining in reviews of it not being up to scratch I thoroughly enjoyed world 1. The coin mechanic really does add something different to proceedings, making previously simple looking levels a test bed for collecting...
  2. M

    When They Cry Manga help

    Kind of upset that the Massacre Arc is taking so long to appear :(
  3. M

    The sports-other-than-football thread!

    Throughly enjoyed the Olympics. It was the emotional state of some of them that was the most rewarding part - you could see just how much it meant to some of them. Also I now have a taste for hockey. Especially if the Netherland's women team are playing
  4. M

    Virtue's Last Reward confirmed for Europe

    Yes, heard about this a few days ago. Splendid news indeed. All that's needed now is for RSG to somehow or other get 999 on EU shores since many missed out on that.
  5. M

    Whats your biggest bug-bear?

    People who don't say 'Thank you.' when you hold a door open for them. Get that quite a bit on a daily basis. Been a bit vocal about it sometimes, too.
  6. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    My old TV began to play up erratically; so... Its also welcome since I now have a remote which actually works once again.
  7. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Been watching Lucky Star. Up to episode 15, I think. I'm enjoying it now, but did not think much of it at all to begin with. A slow burner if ever there was one.
  8. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I think the whole Slenderman nonsense is utterly ruined by just how bad some of the acting in the Marble Hornets series can be :P Don't even bother.
  9. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Atelier Totori's guide has resulted in... Which is world shatteringly crazy.
  10. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    That was the brick wall I hit, even at level 40+ Mr Traut was too strong... all that was needed really was an Angel Charm that has 60 water/lightening resistance and he couldn't even make a scratch. The bug is not a bug (sort of, maybe). It was about one of Gino's scenes not showing up so...
  11. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Practically done with Atelier Totori. Done everything 'story' wise (with Totori herself actually addressing this fact herself, bless), and have a final three months left to... sleep? Thanks to a glitch ( :x ) I cannot see the True Ending, so a speedrun through, making sure everything is being...
  12. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Adventuring forth in distant places in Atelier Totori. Came up against the Flaustraut. Was annihilated by the Flaustraut. Used guide to make better weapons and armour. Flaustraut was annihilated. Holy Power made all the difference.
  13. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    My rewatch of Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni is nearing a close, with only the final episode of Eye Opening, and the Atonement arc to see. I enjoy it, but it's the worst of the three mediated forms of the story, behind the visual novel and manga. Music is good in places...
  14. M

    What you guys doing right now.

    Just celebrating with the news of... Student Loan 0 - Max Takeshi 1 10 years to the month that I finished Uni, too!
  15. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Never thought I'd ever see this :lol:
  16. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Deep into Atelier Totori now. Got to a part where I have to wait (now half a year) for the licence to be renewed. Despite early travelling seemingly making it feel like time is quickly passing, it hasn't, and things feel so relaxed since you're always doing something that adds to licence...
  17. M

    Trailer for New Series of Mysterious Cities of Gold

    Just caught up with this. I think the phrase 'Never thought I would see this in a million years' applies here. Red Hood Bloke looks a little cliched, though.
  18. M

    Favourite game music

    I was going to come in here and post a few things but Fabby has said them both - one about Yuzo Koshiro being godlike and to post Mechonis Field from Xenoblade (in a game full of peerless music that one was my gold star, if you will). There's console music in here, but I'm going to raise the...
  19. M

    Favourite game music

    I always thought that the 'Enchanted Woods' music in DCK2 was the best in the game - the way the music builds up to the final part and then the harmonica at the end... legendary. Terranigma, theme tune of Crysta. Quite how the SNES managed this I'll never know. Also used bitterly during the...
  20. M

    Warren Spector says games are "fetishising violence&quo

    Maybe because I'm older now but violence in games is putting me off. Saw the E3 play of The Last of Us and just felt repelled by it all.