Search results

  1. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Have begun to rewatch Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai: Episode 1. Funny how the creators of this realised how much they screwed up with the first series and had to put in a scene from a flashback that never happened in the anime. Some things in that series made no sense at all (if you've read the...
  2. M

    The Volume Rating Thread

    High School of the Dead: Volume 7. And thanks to the hiatus that's that. Another slow volume (which has been the case since volume 4), but at least it was an improvement on the last two. Things have moved on (a bit), and the journey continues. The series returns to fan-service, and some of...
  3. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Having done the magic one million just after that photo... it REALLY wasn't worth it. I guess really it is just bragging rights (or proof as to just how bored you were). Poor show by, Nintendo... VERY poor show.
  4. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Coin collecting in New Super Mario Bros. 2, and, well... I just can't be bothered anymore :(
  5. M

    Pokémon Black & White

    Just got mine, too. Resetted a bit, and now 'Likes to fight' has come up. Think I'll have this one.
  6. M

    Forums have been upgraded

    This is all kinds of interesting as it's evolving around us at the moment.
  7. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    The Last Story. Nearing the end now. Seems a bit odd since the VAs have FINALLY seemed to find their 'talent'. It seemed to waffle on for a bit, and the slowdown is maddening at times, but it sustains interest in the chapters of 20+. Also Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni... Yeah...
  8. M

    Nintendo Gamer magazine is no more

    Yes, heard about this a few days ago, it's a massive shame. Forget N64 and onwards, Super Play was the greatest game magazine ever (even though its later incarnations were perfectly fine). It was an utter joy to read every month's Super Play - the professionalism of the writing, them not...
  9. M

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Well, I did originally think about giving it a '6'. Guess I would have been headhunted if so!
  10. M

    I still like Anime, but...

    Phases. We all have them.
  11. M

    General TV Discussion

    I wasn't a fan of RTD's rein at all, but must admit he did make a good few episodes, 'Midnight' comes to mind. Credit where credits due and all that. Certainly makes up for those dreadful farting aliens in that World War Three atrocity. Apart from Who, I've been watching 24: Season 4, the...
  12. M

    heartwrenching anime series youv ever watched and why

    I'm going to go for Air, too. Nowhere close to being as good as Kanon '06 overall, but the final story arc is heart wrenching stuff indeed. Just ever so well handled. Also Urusei Yatsura: The Final Chapter:- The climax... the entire series had always had Ataru and Lum's relationship boiling...
  13. M

    What you guys doing right now.

    Mourning the loss of my PC :( Graphics card called it a day. Damn GTX 480s, just who do they think they are? Thankfully it's in guarantee.
  14. M

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Lucky Star. Gamesmanship on pop culture from a group of soon-to-be-graduating students. Indifferent art style, and an epic intro song, Lucky Star feels different from the start (or rather it does after the first four not so good episodes). Things settle in snugly afterwards with many laugh...
  15. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Mainly it's so you replay it again. And again. And again. Apparently you get two things, though I don't know what, saving it for a surprise if I can be bothered or not. 55891 down, a hell of a lot... to... go. Speaking of this game I accidentally opened one of the hidden rainbow levels...
  16. M

    The football thread!

    Sounds like it should have been 3-1. It isn't going to stay this way, it isn't. It isn't. ... .. . :(
  17. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Oh God, just where the hell do you start with this one? A much darker beast compared to the TV series. A prequel to the TV series chronicling the last seven days of Laura Palmer's life (and a 'lighter' linked investigation beforehand), are about as dark as...
  18. M

    The World Ends With You sequel on it's way?

    Would make sense to be on the Wii U... The World Ends With U.
  19. M

    What did you BUY today?

    Oh :( Just checked Lost Highway (in a stealthy way) and some are reporting problems that it skips/freezes for five minutes at 1:23:36... mine was fine. So I guess (hope) it's one that slipped through the 'Crap Control' net. Haven't checked any others, will report back. EDIT: Seems...
  20. M

    What did you BUY today?

    A David Lynch film collection: Blue Velvet Dune Eraserhead Lost Highway Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Wild at Heart Also: Flatliners & Twelve Monkeys in a collection, and Blade Runner on Blu-Ray. Was also searching for Angel Beats, but alas, not one sniff of it anywhere in Reading.