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  1. M

    Amazon upholding £199.99 Wii U preorders

    Got mine today, but saving it until Christmas. About that missing Nintendoland thing: 'UPDATE 2: Nintendo UK have supplied us with a response on the matter, "Unfortunately this really is down to Amazon. However, if they want to call Nintendo we suggest that they contact our customer service...
  2. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    That Daily MAIL ISN'T mine. Good bargain for £370.
  3. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Quick reviews for the recently finished: Sleeping Dogs. Enjoyed it, but fear that enjoyment was down to the location rather than any gameplay content. 6/10 Silent Hill: Bottom Edition. Or Downpour as it's also known as. Really despised everything about it, found it dull, insipid, a chore...
  4. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Well, it's a bit late ( :( ), but here you go... Beautfiul Dreamer... Remember My Love... The Final Chapter... There are actually 22 pages inside each (and an alternate movie cover on the back of them). Colour came out better with a flash so kept this 'style'.
  5. M

    Corpse Party

    I played through this until near the end (to what I presume was practically just around the corner)... but got a bad ending. Really couldn't be bothered to play through chapter 5 again to finish it properly. Apparently I missed one... ONE newspaper clipping. Shame, was a creepy one for sure...
  6. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    The Expo provided a bigger success than I thought it would... Finally got the first N64 Castlevania (despite owning Legacy of Darkness), just so I can own all of the games (3 to go). I wore my Urusei Yatsura t-shirt, and saw a Lum and Ten keyring at a store (the excellent 'The Promised...
  7. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Resi 6? Bah! I'm playing the remake 8) Been a few years since I played it so have forgotten the basic flow of things. Can't find one of those small keys for the graveyard/gallery shortcut, though :( Still looks astonishing now. Can't wait to get to the Aqua Ring section again.
  8. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai: Episodes ? - 21 With soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much backstory and 'other' characters to cater for in the closing moments of the mystery it is thankful that the final story arc goes on for 11 episodes. If it was any shorter than we'd be looking at season one's...
  9. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Got mine today... sadly in a less than decent state. Package rattled, thought 'Uh oh,' opened it up to see the cardboard slip bashed at the sides. Opened it up and two of them fell out, the plastic casing of theirs cracked or stuck. Can't complain though since they were free. But still...
  10. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Large volume ahoy! But this now means... My Higurashi stack has to now become two. Certainly seems to be. Mine should be arriving soon, too 8)
  11. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai: Episodes 13 - 16 Takano's past, and... it's a really horrible one. Like Teppie beforehand, I felt so much rage at the scenes depicted. Apart from that we're starting to draw to a close and everything is brilliantly coming together, so many plot threads all...
  12. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Wasteful is a good word :( That one is done only in rough first draft (4 years finished, not even looked at since except for the odd reference point), my first is more or less done. But I'm sure chat like this is best done in another thread. Inspired by an anime, too!
  13. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Eraserhead Wut? 10/10
  14. M

    What did you BUY today?

    Higurashi No Naku koro Ni: Massacre Arc 1. Need NOW. Also Resident Evil Damnation. Hoping it's better than Degeneration.
  15. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Still rewatching Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai: Up to episode 10 (or 11, can't remember :() I actually enjoy this series more than the original. I think the fact that there's more time to flesh out the last two story arcs help, compared with the original series cramming in (and missing out...
  16. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Can I raise my hand as another wannbe writer? I 'finished' a book three years ago but never had the gumption to go to the next step *Fear also raises its head*. Was 10 years in the making that one :( Sadly complete and utter laziness has befallen me in the last two years. Don't worry about...
  17. M

    The football thread!

    Ah well, took out QPR, now have Arsenal in the cup :( Fun while it lasted.
  18. M

    What you guys doing right now.

    Re: Re: Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, it's died again :( The people in the shop didn't have the foggiest as to what was wrong. So off to their specialised shop it goes.
  19. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai: Episodes 2 -5. So ends the anime exclusive arc - Stuff we should have put in season one but didn't-hen. I find something very comforting about this series... That is to say as comforting as something that features despair, suffering and murder can be :P
  20. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Bought LittleBigPlanet on the Vita. Sackboy's head turns in however you hold your Vita, and since 99% of my handheld playing is lying down Sackboy is constantly walking with his head down as if permanently being scolded. Managed to walk through a few solid objects, too :x