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  1. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Anyone having/had Christmas dinners at their works? Had mine today and had to live with the fact that maybe... MAYBE my work colleague was about to hurl most epically onto his empty plate. That and him sticking empty party poppers into his eyes was the height of humour. 32 years old. The...
  2. M

    What manga are you reading now?

    Spice and Wolf: Volume 7. I love (her) so. A series that absorbs the reader with the quiet interplay between man and wolf. That and they always seem to be getting into trouble. Haven't seen the anime yet, but I'm terrified as to how Holo will sound (preferably in the sub) since I've built up...
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    What are you listening to Now thread.

    If you know the song then you're humming the chorus now, is you don't know it you soon will be.
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    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just in the middle of doing the Pantry in Virtue's Last Reward. That's the third room that I've gotten the golden password before the other one, now :? Also finished The Binding of Isaac again. Don't know if it's supposed to happen, but the earlier levels had the occasional enemy from The...
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    TV license

    Whenever I use particular devices to connect to the net in the brief time (or if you browse available networks) it takes to find my network and log in there is, nine times out of ten, a network labelled 'TV Detector Van'. Either someone is having a laugh or the BBC are very suspicious of this...
  6. M

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    The Tatami Galaxy. Our unnamed protagonist is given/forced/obliged to constantly relive his two years of college life. The main character speaks at approximately mach 5 for his narrations and, coupled with the unique visuals, makes a bizarre viewing experience. Taking a wish we've all had...
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    Another NEO Refugee...

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    What Games Are You Playing?

    Have been bitten by The Binding of Isaac again. Now trying... TRYING to conquer The final stage. Always end up getting stuck in rooms with thousands of holes and those annoying worm things. There's also next to no available health anywhere to be seen. The fact that I'm awful at the Mom boss...
  9. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    I'm sure some people have come across this already:- ... tain-times And no, it's not some 'parental controls' mix up - all to do with German laws, in that 18+ rated content can only be accessed at night. Y'know, 'cause all kids automatically go to bed...
  10. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    The Tatami Galaxy: Episodes 4 - 6. It's bizarre in that it is a series that feels like it needs to be watched in bulk. Episode 6 is so far the highlight, but worrying signs that things may turn mawkish. It needs not such themes. The dry, humorous look at regret is doing just fine as it is...
  11. M

    Rice Digital Store - Doujin games.

    Something that may be of interest to some of us on here. A new online store has opened up to promote and sell Japanese indie games. Some are already available on Steam and whatnot, but it's certainly an interesting one. Good luck to them. Rice Digital
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  13. M


    I know you, too! What's going on!?! :?
  14. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Have been playing Alice: Madness Returns. Interesting concept, dull execution. It's okay to play in bursts, but the level design (especially the second half of chapter two) gets dull. But as one would expect from making a darker version of the Wonderland/Looking Glass universe, it has visual...
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    Don't worry, he has been warned...
  16. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    The Tatami Galaxy: Episodes 1 - 3. First thought: 'Why the hell does he speak so fast!?!' It canters off when he's not narrating, but geez that was insane subtitle reading. An interesting series. The unnamed main character keeps reliving his college days and keeps joining a different club in...
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    I know you. Welcome to these parts, Spoony.
  18. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    (I think) I reached a dead end in Virtue's Last Reward. Have been going down the left side of the flow chart route (using 'ally' in every situation) and... a computer needs an ID and Password. Thing is I haven't the foggiest what it is. The Flashbacks haven't helped despite me putting in...
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    Buy online, give money to Starlight for no extra cost!

    Same here, sorry to hear that, Joshawott :( Sadly didn't see this until after making a big purchase online :( I guess they don't do back pays?
  20. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Started Virtue's Last Reward (3DS version). Think I chose the version to go for since there's a lot of screen prodding that would get tiresome on the Vita. Got a bit scared when the first room was stuck in easy mode thinking I'd done something drastically wrong, not wanting. Found out it was...