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  1. M

    How do :)

    I think really there's only ONE specific person left to migrate... but he'll pop up on the last day with seconds to spare. Oh, hey, Dani!
  2. M

    Ni No Kuni

    Heh... you hope...
  3. M

    A lone migrant wanders in from another forum seeking shelter

    Re: A lone migrant wanders in from another forum seeking she Shhh, not now...
  4. M

    Ni No Kuni

    I've also been having the boss' obsession with Esther. The Jellyfish thing after the half-way point of the battle - ended up having my two party members die and finished the battle with Mitey twatting the thing in between the little hops he does. Swaine was no help, constantly putting his...
  5. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    That's good to know, I've got to the volcano and still not overly impressed, to be honest - it just feels so... ordinary. Might put it aside for a bit. Also haven't finished Recettear, actually... Too many RPGS :x Oh, and playing PSP Everybody's Tennis. Liking that, so I'm not going...
  6. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Have just hit a complete shambles of a bug in ZombieU. Died from another player's zombie being stuck in a ventilation shaft - the thing was stuck in the shaft, glitched everywhere, couldn't even push past him to just squeeze past. Eventually tried my luck, he killed me in one hit. Got back to...
  7. M

    I am getting old!

    I passed thirty a few years back. At first I was all introspective and depressed about it, but then a very simple thought occurred to me: At least I HAVE lived thirty years. Thirty is nothing at all. And Happy Birthday, of course.
  8. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Carrying on with ZombiU. Got to the infamous Baconfields nursery section. I just... don't find 'jump' moments scary at all :( But to its credit they were presented in an original and quite creative (if maybe actually a bit predictable) way, just... not... scary. Either that or I've become...
  9. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    Here's hoping the Wind Waker remake/update will include the dungeons left out of the original, and have the ability to warp to any island you've already been to (and do something about the unsatisfying final boss and ending). I see that the Monolith RPG had the same grand scale and art style as...
  10. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Yep, learnt that lesson :P Anyway, done and done with Corpse Party. As much as parts of this game were absorbing and generally creepy I found the Wrong End(s) to be plain annoying - ESPECIALLY the final section. Got to the final part and did everything right but got the Bad Ending and just...
  11. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Returned to Corpse Party. I never did finish it, instead managing to get right near the end and getting a bad ending, so this time it must be done. Also, hello PSN store, didn't know about this Playstation Mobile section, what you got in there, then? ... 2013-01-17-000303 by Max Takeshi, on...
  12. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Impulse buys more than anything, to be honest. Except for Hyperdimension Neptunia which I've always been curious about. Also I did own Pokemon Platinum for about three minutes; bought second hand from CEX but didn't come with instructions. Enquired and there were none, so they (begrudgingly)...
  13. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Been watching Demon King Daimao. Up to Episode 5. Now this has an interesting setup. Akuto Sai transfers to a Magical Academy and is then told that his future occupation is a Demon King. Naturally everyone, include the girl he has just made friends with, fears him immensely. Sadly everything he...
  14. M

    Big Pokèmon announcement now international

    So they've run out of colours and are now starting to use letters. Pokemon X and Y for worldwide release October 2013. So what's the enhanced remake a few years down the line going to be called? Pokemon Chromosome? EDIT: Video: ... r_embedded
  15. M

    Big Pokèmon announcement now international

    This might be an early leak... Odd name, if so.
  16. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    NNID is Max_Takeshi Updated on Christmas day around 12:00 and 'only' took an hour. Also was fretting about setting up the wireless after the horror stories, but it went straight through :eek: Liking things so far, although the posts people are making on the world map of Bros. U, in the form...
  17. M

    Game of the Year

    Haven't played much from this year, but I think Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise was the most fun I had playing something. For this tune alone:
  18. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    New Gall Force: OVA (Earth 1) One of the characters in this has had her voice replaced with what can only be described as a vociferous screech. Also nuns with guns. Is indeed fun trawling through Manga's The Collection collection.
  19. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Virtue's Last Reward - I am completely stumped by the golden password in the Treatment Centre. I haven't got the foggiest :? I know about it (was scared off by the fact I have trouble sometimes with the floors I do know :(), but am mightily tempted. Steam sale tomorrow... 0.99p, perhaps?