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  1. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Yes, sorry about that Josh. The times are hard indeed. Good luck to you, Rena.
  2. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Was tempted. But when I was about to go this digital display turned on displaying '1955' and such. Thought it best to walk away.
  3. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    I'd like to call it 'endurance training'.
  4. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Demon King Daimao: Episode 11. WHAT!?! I don't know what's going on anymore :( Seriously... there was too much going on. I have no idea who half the people in this war were, whose side they were actually on, or ultimately just why the heck this is happening (or even how it all kicked off)...
  5. M

    The General Conversation Area

    This thing just popped up at my works yesterday... 2013-02-20 17.00.47 by Max Takeshi, on Flickr Had the main theme constantly on loop with quotes from the film; must've driven the poor bloke tending it quite insane.
  6. M

    Official PlayStation Thread (PSN stuff, discussion..etc)

    Re: Official Playstation 3 Thread(PSN stuff, discussion..etc It was late, so I blame that, but the French Ubisoft employee's accent made it sound like he called Watch Dogs 'Botch Jobs' at one point. After the final quarter of ZombiU, I'm scared to believe it... Also did Yoshinori Ono make a...
  7. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    39MB for F-Zero! The original wasn't that! What kind of futuristic shenanigans is this!?! To be honest, I never liked the original (or GBA) games. X and GX, though...
  8. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    D'aw, I was only joking, but thanks for the offer anyway :)
  9. M

    What to do when the shops close?

    It does!?! I must be going in there at the wrong times. I did get New Gal Force recently from there, so that was something.
  10. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Started Spec Ops: The Line A little dull, to be honest. One notable thing, though, is just how loud the pop music you hear at intervals is (either that or my PC is a little borked). To be a little creeping... uh... Any chance of a Shaymin?
  11. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Ah, Disgaea. In the second game I found all but one of the treasure maps. Spent hours trying to get it, but no joy :(
  12. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Demon King Daimao: Episodes 9 - 10. Um... what? Did the series just cut about 5 episodes and jump to the finale? That has to be the quickest start to any confrontation in existence. In all fairness... I have no idea what the hell is going on! There was a confrontation building, yes, but... so...
  13. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Oh, a few, most specifically Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan. Only saw the first episode, but that was extremely offensive - in the worst way possible. There was also another which had a load of giant insects in it, can't remember the name, though. EDIT: Mushi-Uta, that was it.
  14. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Nah, just call it stupidity :P
  15. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    It is seriously poor, but I've got to finish it (damn compulsion to watch everything to the end).
  16. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    Anybody used Wii Street U? I balked at the announcement, but am glad to eat my words. Yes it's a specialised version of Street View, but it knows how to work on consoles. Especially like the sfx they put in specific places. But pay for it? Probably not.
  17. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Demon King Daimao: Episodes 6 - 8. Went on a long hiatus with this and decided to return. Now I realise why I did. Ugh. Episode 6 (the beach one) was completely shameless. Everything that could be a good idea is spoiled by either the ecchi aspect or falling back on old cliché. Such a good...
  18. M

    Good news and bad news from over the fence

    You behave yourself here. Watch this one, guys, you have been suitably warned...
  19. M

    Gold Dust: Rare titles we still want.

    Yep. I found it in a clearance sale with a few other VHS titles about ten years ago. It was rather poor. What about the individual releases of Bubblegum Crisis on DVD? I only ever found 1 and 3 for a sensible price :(
  20. M

    Ni No Kuni

    I know the one, just did it. Got the fella down to 20% health left on my first try but then he just spammed his most powerful attack. Leveled up a familiar a tiny bit for a lightening spell and beat it next time without any problems or magic using :? One of these points might be that I'm...