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  1. M

    General News/Current Affairs Thread

    Europe is one big concentric circle, albeit it not in the shape of a circle at all.
  2. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Silent Hill: Revelation. Apt title - a revelation that filmmakers do not have a clue about what makes Silent Hill Silent Hill. Taking the story of the third game, taking out everything that made it frightening, eerie and unsettling, plonking in some truly ridiculous dialogue/scenes and giving...
  3. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Had an urge and moved my Gamecube games in front of my 360 ones in my cupboard. Ever since then it's been Gamecube all the way. Wanted to try Metroid Prime 2 again, anyway, so it was an excuse. The weakest of the Prime trilogy also happens to still be an exceptionally designed game...
  4. M

    What did you RECEIVE today?

    I used to be rather a whizz at Yu-Gi-Oh, having a decent strategy of faking the opponent to attack and then wasting their go with cards that allowed you to draw another, and again, and again, and again. Sometimes led to a war of attrition.
  5. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Skip to 11 minutes in for major lulz, as they say on the internet.
  6. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    A bit upset (and peeved) that Lego City has performance issues. Was really looking forward to it, but some reviews make it sound like a game breaker. Chances of a day one patch? Please... Not a good start for the U.
  7. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Well, this place certainly took a turn for the political.
  8. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Paranormal Activity 4: aka MICROSOFT'S KINECT IS WELL NEAT, EH? What we have here is the third sequel to what was a pretty dire original. Fourth in the franchise and there's nowhere for it to go. Really, all that happens is... a kid stares at Kinect while talking to it while pretty green...
  9. M

    Play my game! (Or at least look at the graphics).

    More afros needed in iOS games.
  10. M

    Ni No Kuni

    Okay, I just got horribly confused with this. Spoilers an' all that jazz for obvious fight against obvious main enemy you will have to fight... So I just beat Mr Cthulhu in a Cloak. As is typical for an RPG it was a three stage fight (and bizarrely got easier :?) . After it finished the...
  11. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Holo looking a little drunk there. Or maybe something else...
  12. M

    Play my game! (Or at least look at the graphics).

    Does that woman have an afro?
  13. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Ni No Kuni... Kuni experience by Max Takeshi, on Flickr Now THAT'S a random encounter! Sadly it's been the most interesting thing in the last ten hours.
  14. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    Tried the Monster Hunter demo (first time I've ever tried the series). Spent half the time running around as a giant snowball. That and I kept pressing a button and hearing a cartoony squashing sound. At first I thought it was those two rabbit helper things getting kinky. Hasn't stopped...
  15. M

    Have you ever...?

    Yes, but only on Fridays when it's slow at work. Have you ever watched a David Lynch film and understood it?
  16. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Lost Highway. ... WHAT!?! :? :eek: :cry: I... don't understand :( I'm half tempted to start a David Lynch thread after this. Trying to explain the plot is not so much a spoiler, more of an impossibility. Something happens and then... something weird happens and then... something...
  17. M

    The General Conversation Area

    I once had two neighbours - one of which was a musical sort. Was quite odd one morning at about 03:30 and hearing 'The hills are aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivv with the sound of muuuuuuuuuuuuusic.' I take it you had words? Or are going to?
  18. M

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Demon King Daimao Oh, where do you start with this? The premises: Akuto Sai joins the Constan Magical Academy and his aptitude test declares that his future occupation is Demon Lord (one in a long line of). Now, this setup was brilliant. The first episode has some great comedy potential as...
  19. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Aye, crossed fingers, Rena. In other news the neighbours had decided to use weekend gone as a hammering session... practically through the entire weekend. Quite what the heck the fella is doing is anybody's guess.
  20. M

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    That's the only thing I really want from Nintendo, much more so than any other of their franchises. So I gave F-Zero a go and, choosing the Blue Falcon started on beginner... What a laugh! I just could not control the vehicle... GO! Bang... forward... bang... turn... bang... car overtakes...