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  1. I

    What did you BUY today?

    Ordered it about 2 days ago but it's just been shipped...... FOR FANS BY FANS:Steven Universe Cheeseburger Backpack Hoodie I dont care if its pink. Its Steven Universe related
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Not so much today, but over the past week or two
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    General Cartoons Thread

    BTW I never saw Ed, Edd N Eddy at all until last week
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    Star Blazers from the eighties (where to get cheap) ?

    Star Blazers huh? Well I guess any excuse to post this retrospective of it (possible language warning)
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    BBFC refuse classification for Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

    "but I can remember FUNi faced a bashing when people thought the OAVs weren't included (when they all did wasn’t list them on the box for some reason) so it has an audience" Considering that Maken Ki 2 came out in the US without the mini OAVs I don't blame these people for bashing Funimation...
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    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    I have both a PS4 and a multi region BD player, but I don't bother using Right Stuf cause I have no idea what the import charge will be. Though I am aware some stores include the import fee in the shipping costs now, but I think UK based stores that sell foreign products only do that
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    General Cartoons Thread

    Looks like Star Trek is getting an animated series. First one since the 1970s animated version of TOS
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    General Cartoons Thread

    So this is a thing And needless to say, people are pissed that its not season 6 of TT. You just cannot please these people
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    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Wait, since when was Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid getting a UK release? (not that it matters to me since I bought the US BD release last year). Because I was under the impression a show like that would never get released over here. Makes me wonder if shows like Testament Of Sister New Devil is the...
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    General Cartoons Thread

    I hope not, I mean we've had GamerGate (which accomplished nothing, regardless of which side you were on) and currently ComicsGate, we don't need a CartoonsGate.......that probably explains why the Beach City Reddit refused to link to the article (don't know much about Bounding Into Comics...
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    General Cartoons Thread

    Report: Blacklisted Industry Insider Drops Troubling Information About The Modern Animation Industry - Bounding Into Comics Pretty damming stuff if what was said in the video is true. Though it should be noted that EZ PZ (who did the video) is an Encyclopedia Dramatica admin and has made a...
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    General Cartoons Thread
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    Upcoming UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Artwork

    Just like the first season. Just hope it survives the BBFC
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    General Cartoons Thread

    So given the fact the UK gets shafted when it comes to DVD/BD releases of animated shows (with a few exceptions) I noticed Madman Entertainment are releasing quite a number of popular cartoons on DVD/BD (and in some cases Austrailia gets a BD release wheras the US does not), so I'd thought I'd...
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    General Cartoons Thread

    Rick And Morty Season 2 just came out on DVD and BD in the UK. So it's just season 3 (the one with the Pickle Rick episode.......which I have yet to see) left to release over here
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    The Gaming News Thread (for news that doesn't need a thread)

    PlayStation 4 gets cross-play with Nintendo Switch and Xbox One
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    [Overseas] Anime News & Announcements

    Speaking of Discotek I noticed they put out all of All Purpose Cat Girl Nuku Nuku on BD. And one of the extras is a UK dub from Crusader Video which they claim you have to hear to believe. Is the UK dub really as bad as they make it out to be?
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    Will Both FLCL Progressive and Alternative Get UK Releases?

    I hope so. I've been meaning to finish the original OAV series. Though i suspect the fact both are Adult Swim co-productions might make a UK release hard
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    General Cartoons Thread

    Netflix are certainly bringing in the animation. Last week saw the release of Bojack Horseman season 5 and The Dragon Prince, this week saw the release of Hilda (which some of the animation community were hyping up). Big Mouth season 2 shows up on October 5th and season 2 of Castlevania on...