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  1. J

    Doctor Who series finale best idea yet

    Pretty good. It'd have been better if the Dalek's had arrived another way though and Chris Eccleston had come out of the Void Ship :) It would have been more surprising. I'd have liked to have seen Jack amongst the Torchwood staff, and Rose hasn't done much yet. I loved Mickey coming back...
  2. J


    No, I don't think I'll see it. I'm sure it's all style, no story. Anyone else think it looks a lot like Aeon Flux though? Is the whole 'futuristic martial-arts' thing a film type nowadays?
  3. J


    I caught as many episodes as I could when it was on Toonatik (ITV1, Saturdays), but at that time Astro Boy was showing all the way through on the CBBC Channel so obviously that took priority. As far as I'm aware the creators of the show put a lot of effort into capturing the style they wanted...
  4. J

    Favorite "Non Anime" cartoons

    I’m watching the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy on Cartoon Network regularly (i.e. whenever I catch it). It’s a lot like Ren and Stimpy, except with a happy-go-lucky idiot child called Billy and a smart, never-happy girl named Mandy, who play the Grim Reaper (with Caribbean accent) in a...
  5. J

    What manga are you reading now?

    I'm reading through Chobits Vol.3 and loving every moment of it! I've also just read both Death Note Vol.1 and 2, and I just need to finish the last chapter of Hikaru No Go Vol.4 so I can order the next two. Oh, and I've got Akira Vol.3 to read.
  6. J

    TV Drama Recommendations

    Suggestions: Medium (BBC1/Sci-Fi) The Dead Zone (Sci-Fi) Angel (the Series) (Sci-Fi/Sky One) Supernatural (ITV1/2) CSI (Five/Living TV) Andromeda (ITV4/Sci-Fi) Stargate SG-1 (Sky One) Without a Trace (More 4) Veronica Mars (Living TV?) Farscape (Sci-Fi)
  7. J

    New Death Note trailer online

    Not in standard UK bookshops, but you can buy it easily through Amazon UK. Each issue costs £4.24 and there are currently 5 volumes available out of around 14 (I don't know the exact figure; 8 chapters a volume, 108 chapters in total according to Wikipedia). Four volumes costs £16.96 and...
  8. J

    Your idea for a game

    Mario Harmonica DS A rhythm game where you would have a harmonica on the touch screen which you would tap at different points (i.e. move your virtual mouth over the area) then be required to blow into the microphone to produce the sound and thus score the point. Pure gold!
  9. J

    Favorite "Non Anime" cartoons

    PG The Batman (anything comic book centric but this is a current fav) Avatar: The Last Airbender Animaniacs The Fairly Odd Parents The Powerpuff Girls Spongebob Squarepants Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! Teen to Adult Quads Family Guy American Dad Futurama South Park...
  10. J

    Gamecube getting the cut?!

    GAME got rid of their GameCube stock where I live a long time ago, as did WHSmiths, Woolworths, Currys and Comet. The only place that sells them now is Gamestation and their space is barely larger than the GBA section. I'm expecting Zelda: Twilight Princess to be a great game though and with...
  11. J

    BBFC edit Paranoia Agent Volume 3

    Couldn't they include the cut footage as bonus DVD material? That way they could provide an adequate warning before it plays.