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  1. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    I didnt feel good at all today so i came home from college. I just did 22 episodes of Kaleidostar. The ending is sooooo moving really one of the most awsome series I have ever watched now easily in my top 5. I dont know If I can wait for season 2 release or not >.< I could wait only to be...
  2. Z


    Yea had a blast on it at my mates the other day. Its fun at first but can get boring pretty easily but hey its a buzz haha.
  3. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    I didnt know there was more than 26 episodes as It was a whim buy. Once ever month or so I start a random series that I have heard nothing of. So far I think its AWESOME! So whats the deal with it theres more than 26 episodes to finish the series :S
  4. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Got the kaleido Star thinpak boxset, the dears volume1 + artbox last thursday. Today im ordering DNAngel#6 and Dears#2.
  5. Z

    Pics, everyone

    Meeeeee Ok its a sh**ty picture and all but what the hell I dont care haha.
  6. Z

    Manga-ka in trouble for plagiarism

    To me Sports anime sucks so why anybody would want to copy it is beyond me haha. But on a more serios note ending somebodys career isnt good but a slap on the wrists possibly a fine is a good idea.
  7. Z

    Semi Finals - Battle Two: Yomiko vs. Osaka

    No sorry Yomiko it is. Shes cooler and without those glasses and a low cut top haha
  8. Z

    Salutations! :D

    Welcome hope you enjoy your stay here. Wach out for Frozen Neko the kitty bites ;)
  9. Z

    RaptureTV confirm Wolf's Rain for UK TV

    I still have alot of anime I taped off of Sci-Fi about 25 videos hehe
  10. Z

    Fightstar the anime fans?

    Fightstar are shocking. I was there at leeds festival when the got bottled to hell just because nobody likes them sept the old busted fans. Any true hardcore fans hate them all the emo's hate them and I just dislike him and their music.
  11. Z

    Favourite Non-Final Fantasy RPG?

    Phantasy Star Online (**** YEA) Shenmue 1 & 2 pokemon (yea i know -_-)
  12. Z

    Ragnarok Online

    Being a programmer myself I support P2P games fully. The games get published they earn some origional cash but servers cost a bomb to run so they need extra money sure £7 a month is a bit hefty but still.
  13. Z

    Ragnarok Online

    totally agree with dwinky. The game got old fast and some supreme graphics wouldnt go a miss. Im a fan of retro game like SNES ans NES but the gfx of ragnarok didnt go down well with me.
  14. Z

    What video game would you like to see a sequel to?

    I dont want a sequal to FF8 but a real film with actors would be cool. Think how good it would be *drewls*
  15. Z

    Semi Finals - Battle 1: Spike vs Motoko

    Spike could kill motoko before she even knew what was going on. He could pop her off from a mile away while she's taking a walk or something.
  16. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    DNAngel 5
  17. Z

    Dangerous monkey cheese

    Welcome to the forums. Im the hired muscle the bouncer or just the general weirdo who has nothing better to do than browse the forums at all hours of the day.
  18. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Chobits Disc 4
  19. Z

    What Games Are You Playing?

    My animal wass tatood to hell he was a big ass monkey thing who had a thirst for blood haha
  20. Z

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Are you a goodie or a baddie hehe?