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  1. Z

    EXPO pictures theard

    Well if anybody wants to duo id be more than happy to join in... Krad and Dark... Spike and Vicious.... anybody interested?
  2. Z

    London meet up: List of Attendance

    Im a regular Preimer Lodge and Travel Lodge member they are the best and £65 a night isnt bad at all really.
  3. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Ah My Goddess Artbox + volume 1 (x2)
  4. Z

    London meet up: List of Attendance

    Ok here it is. If anybody male or female want to room with me as its £65 per room per night in london Kings Cross Travel Lodge Please email me or add me on MSN
  5. Z

    London meet up: List of Attendance

    Cheapest place in london will be a Travel Lodge their clean and what not too. It may also be something to look into to figure out how many of you would prefer to room together for a night aswell. As the price of a room with 2 beds beats the price of loads of single rooms by far. (im a regular...
  6. Z

    How big is your manga collection?

    I have 1 haha its volume 1 of Trigun Maximum... To collect the amount of Anime I do and Manga aswell it just doesnt happen but I just as usual on the spur of the moment baught Trigun Maximum Volume1 the other day haha its all alone on my shelf but I am about to order volumes 2-4 in about 30...
  7. Z


    Very nice love the colours :)
  8. Z

    Xbox 360

    Its erm crap haha im fully dissapointed.... again Microsoft let me down. Now just gunna wait for the PS3... but hey a new paperweight yay (although its a bit big for one haha)
  9. Z


    Welcome to the forums sit back and enjoy :)
  10. Z

    Fanart for various shows

    Erm those eyes are different your own personal style though I would tone them down alot. Still good work nice to see :)
  11. Z

    London meet up: List of Attendance

    Sake is ok kinda grows on you after a few bottles. Fiar enuff the stuff we buy from supermarkets aint a touch on propper sake. We get the 20% stuff where as in Japan you can pick up the stronger stuff hehehe. Anyways if were drinking with any underage people I think we should think about...
  12. Z

    Mario Kart DS

    Not even a pretty face :P (joke joke as you know :P)
  13. Z

    Not a bad start, I hope you'll agree...?

    Very good :) I aswell tend to ignore most peoples guidelines as everybody seems to have their own style. The only time I take lessons as they are is from any of the How To Draw series and mebby Jakeman ;)
  14. Z

    Mario Kart DS

    Beat every single one of his time trials lol EDIT: Just noticed your post reo you were correct. I know its not head to head racing but its good enough.
  15. Z

    The Yukiness

    ok ok I admit it Im a poser hehe... Not bad to say my hair was a total mess that day ^.^ Thanks for the comments everybody :)
  16. Z

    Most anticipated December UK release?

    FMA for me as its the only R2 im actually buying at the moment haha
  17. Z

    Mario Kart DS

    Not got a DS but played it on my mates DS and owned him on it. There again I love my Mario Cart. I have a snes smu and the origional on rom on my computer at college so I can play when I get bored haha :). Retro Gamers Ho!
  18. Z

    What manga are you reading now?

    Just finished reading Trigun Maximum Volume 1. Very good seems very familiar though haha it just starts half way through the Anime with a different storyline. Well same storyline just thing happen at different times.
  19. Z

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Newtype USA December Issue Trigun Maximum Volume 1
  20. Z

    GONZO create live action label

    Blue Sub 6 remember taping that off Cartoon Network along time ago when it first aired excellent in my opinion and a live action movie of it sounds pretty darn good.