Search results

  1. N

    Gundam Mobile Suit 00

    Yeah, the animation for the mechs, and overall everything is really good. Also, replacement Mobile Suits?
  2. N

    The Wii is a Joke? Discuss

    Apparently people equate the term 'serious gamer' to 'eats anything that's blinged out with hi-definition graphics and thinks they're the best games ever' around here somehow. Yeah, that's the problem. They solely rely on the fact that they're hi-def, they use it as an excuse to not have new...
  3. N

    Gundam Mobile Suit 00

    God why are the characters so gay in this show?! I could probably enjoy this if it weren't for the majority of the main cast were FABULOUS gays. Needs more manly pilots who have spirit. Maybe I'm too used to Gurren Lagann, where there was like one gay character in the main cast, which I could...
  4. N

    The Wii is a Joke? Discuss

    The reason I bought a Wii is because I one day hope that it will revitalise the click and point genres on a console platform, which I don't think hardly any click and points have gotten on to. It's always been limited to PCs, I love the point and click adventure genre. I didnt pick a PS3...
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    Videogame Webcomics

    All video game webcomics are pretty terrible at the moment. I only find amusement in them when they're edited.
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    The Final Fantasy Debate

    IMO Square-Enix holds onto the Final Fantasy name too much, and I mean far too much! Do you know of any other game series that has a 13th sequel or higher, other than the simple series 2000 on the PS2? I'm fine with them constantly making RPGs, they know what they're doing; but I think it's time...
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    Latest chapter gives some nice back story and explains how Nell left the Espada, as well as the scar she was given on her face. I'm hoping that Donchakka and Pesshe take off their ridiculous costumes and reveal that they are previous Espada as well. Now THAT would be pretty damn awesome. Or...
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    Super Paper Mario

    Still waiting for my Wii to turn up, I never got further than 2-2 :( (Last Wii had artifacts on the Wii Menu as well as during gameplay)
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    Naruto Graphic Novel Boxset (1-27)

    I hope they do a Bleach box set because I would so buy that.
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    Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

    Favourite anime of 2007 and favourite OST of 2007. The OST came out today and I'm lovin' every minute of it!
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    One minute preview of Funi One Piece dub

    I think that dub was actually really good. Amazing, a dub that doesn't sound like rubbish.
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    What you guys doing right now.

    Oh my god thanks for reminding me! I never got the chance to see Sky Blue, it looked very interesting from the trailer clips I watched. I need to buy that.
  13. N

    Zero Punctuation: Reviews by a Brit in Australia

    This guy Yahtzee from The Escapist magazine is really funny when he reviews games, and I mean really funny. He also talks really fast so watch out. Also warning there may be vulgur language or images in the videos :P Enjoy! ... unctuation My...
  14. N

    Anime Nation Occupations!

    I wish I had your job. I'm currently unemployed.
  15. N

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I'd be playing it if my Wii would get returned soon. It had artifacts, even on the Wii Menu.
  16. N

    Resident evil 5 race row.

    Anyone who says that Resident Evil 5 is racist are uninformed or racists themselves, plain as that. Some people may look at a glimpse of a trailer, a white man kills black people. However, these people do not see the underlying plot of the game which is that those black people were contaminated...
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    Evangelion Rebuild 2.0: Breaking Up - FIRST LOOK

    God the audio is incredibly loud, oh well, an update on Rebuild on Evangelion is good.
  18. N


    In chapter 292, it seems Noitora isn't going to have to go all out. Apparently, Nell was from an Espada that had a lot lower standards for the rank of 3 back then. So a rough estimation would land Nell as ranked 6th of the current Espada or even lower. This chapter didn't have any plot holes in...
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    Fan-subs; the root of all evil?

    If a series doesn't get released here, I watch the fansubs. If a series does get released here, I watch the fan subs AND buy the official release. However, this is determined whether I liked the series or not. I'd happily buy DVD releases of anime as long as they have good subtitles, and...
  20. N

    Hi There

    See I highly doubt you're going to get any nudes out of her. Animemonky, go check out urbandictionary and type in 'nudes' at their search engine. It's a pretty common word on the tube of internets. EDIT: Here I even looked for you