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  1. H

    Stand Alone Complex movie announced

    the last 8 eps are about the laughing man case in fact so thast 12x22 or 264 minutes cut down to 140, its doable though
  2. H

    ~The avatar thread~

    After seeing ep 34 of Gundam SEED Destiny i had to make a new avatar as a follow up to the last one :twisted:
  3. H

    13th June UK anime releases

    I liked it personally, it is just a recap of the OVA but it has 5 minutes extra footage and as ive said before i like compilation movies because they are much easier to watch than rewatch the whole series
  4. H

    Do you like to buy serie from a centain studio?

    Not really, i tend to like shows by Madhouse and Gonzo but i wouldnt buy something just because its done by them
  5. H

    Stand Alone Complex movie announced

    Most likley yeah. I like compilation movies anyway, its much easier to watch them then to rewatch the whole show
  6. H

    favourite giant robot

    Well id only consider 3 of them 'Giant Robots', the rest are considered 'Real Robots' alothough most people dont know the differance. The best Gaint Robot was without a doubt Getter Robo and the best Real Robot is the VF-22S Strumvogel II from Macross Out of the list id pick Gekiganger...
  7. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Got home to find Gundam SEED vol 1 and Gungrave Vol 2 waiting for me and i finally managed to pick up a copy of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust last saturday, for 14 Euro (about £9 Sterling) :)
  8. H

    Wraith's 10/4

    Welcome to the board, i used to use the name Wraith way back when so good choice
  9. H

    Kawajiri's Highlander anime movie trailer

    I remember that cartoon too, although i wish i didnt :P Looks interesting alright and reminds me alot of Bloodlust, which is never a bad thing
  10. H

    Review: Stand Alone Complex #4

    Congrats hun. For those underwhelmed by this volume 5-7 will more than make up for it, for teh most part the eps on this volume exist to give you an insite into the world Stand Alone Complex is set in before the conculsion of the plot.
  11. H

    Tentative ADV September schedule

    Ah Spriggan mindless action but lacking the lycnathropy of the manga :( God i wish someone would reprint that! :twisted: Needless to say ill most likely be picking that up
  12. H

    Battle Angel Alita movie update

    In fairness a delay to test the technology might not be a bad thing and also given they problems converting the story theyre reportedly having some extra time on that would probably help alot too
  13. H

    13th June UK anime releases

    Well they've already announced the UC movies so thats the 0079 Trilogy, Millars Report, Last Blitz Of Zeon, Chars Counter Attack and F91. If they do well they will probably release the 3 UC OVA's. If SEED does well the Special Edition and Destiny are sure to follow but given that Zeta hasnt...
  14. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Unless you live in Ireland and dont have to pay customs duty on them :P The customs duty rates in the Uk are huge i really dont know how any of you put up with them, if i was over there id much rather order off a local importer than import them myself
  15. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    I got my copy of the first Mobile Suit Gundam movie today, its probably been here a few days but ive been away, and vol 2 of Gungrave and vol 1 of Gundam SEED shipped, vol 2 hasnt though :(
  16. H

    Ikki Tousen/Battle Vixens

    Yeah she donw it to me too, ive only read a bit of vol 1 but its pretty fun so ill give the rest a go
  17. H

    Manga UK confirmations & Barefoot Gen

    Sounds cool, That donation thing is a really good idea
  18. H

    BBFC pass Elfen Lied uncut

    In fairness the violence isnt as bad as some of the other things, vol 2 will have an 18 rating because of the child abuse scene
  19. H

    London MCM Expo & Anime Village 29th & 30th October

    Turns out ill be at another con that weekend so i wont be over, ill try get to the next one though
  20. H

    bad cosplay

    *shudder* i ran a games con once that had a live action game of Macho Women with Guns and one of the characters was Larry Croft, ill leave the rest to you imagination