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  1. T

    New Anime Releases 03/10/2011: Gantz Live Action Film

    Whoops I managed to confuse myself. After seeing the cover in the cover thread a while back I thought this Phantom Requiem was a rerelease(?) of Kurau Phantom Memory, then a sequel and now after help from wikipedia I notice it's from a completely different series ^^;; Might try it, I'm...
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    Dog Days to be given second season

    Huh. I found the first series to be pretty naff and even Norio Wakamoto sounded like he was phoning it in. Started off cute enough but became a chore to watch in the end.
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    New Anime Releases 03/10/2011: Gantz Live Action Film

    Probably going to pick Moribito up shortly, I've been looking at it for a while, and finally decided to look at the storyline and sounds quite interesting :)
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    Your anime viewing journal

    Episodes 13-20 of witchblade today. I've had a very...erratic viewing with this series. Bought the first 3 dvds in '08, then waited for a while after I saw the first three had been released as a boxset- hoping to get a 4-6 set. Watched the first 12 episodes. Then, as an early Christmas...
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    Neo Magazine

    I had a subscription during my first year at uni. It wasn't anything truly amazing and I had ANN to get all my news back then (and then this forum too) but it was pleasant enough to come down once a month(?) to have a new magazine to read through. Though towards the end of the subscription I was...
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    Review of Birdy: The Mighty - Decode #2

    I got the first set a few weeks ago, still haven't got around to watching it. Might try and watch an episode shortly (not in a DVD mood at the moment) to see if it's enjoyable enough so I can add S2 to the ever growing list of things to buy D:
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    dont you just hate it when.........

    When I go to to order a Yu yu Hakusho blu ray, and the delivery charge pushes it just over £18. At the lowest level it says nothing, but then when I go to a more expensive delivery option, suddenly it says import duty needs to be paid. So off I go to axel music (which I haven't...
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    Figure discussion/picture thread

    So after about an hour or so of opening boxes, displaying figures and putting the plastic back in the boxes (and a few fingernails almost bent backwards) I now have most* of my Nendoroids displayed, and the smell of plastic lingering in my room. *Haven't taken my Miku one out of the packaging...
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    Figure discussion/picture thread

    It's the first figure from the figma line I've bought in ages (been a while since I got a revoltech either) I've mainly focused on nendoroids recently, as I don't possess much finesse at posing things :D Unfortunately I didn't have enough points on board to get one of the nendoroids, and the...
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    Figure discussion/picture thread

    As I had a whole lot of points saved up from two years of impulse buying I picked up a Kirino Kousaka figma for "free" tonight (only had to pay postage) And I've started sorting out my Nendoroids to display :)
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    DBZ Kai parts 3+4 (blu ray) Pondering over getting Yu yu Hakusho part one (blu ray)
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    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Ended up sitting down and watching episodes 15-24 of Stein's gate. I haven't watched that much in a row since at least FMA:B. It's now 2 in the morning and I really should have gone to bed about an hour ago. 10/10
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    Robotech to get UK DVD Re-Release by AETN!

    I bought the Macross saga set from manga a few years ago. Gave up after a few episodes when a girl decided to run back into a rapidly developing warzone because she'd left her diary there and "someone could read it".
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    dont you just hate it when......... order something online, and all is well until it ends up in the hands of the royal mail, who can't even meet amazon's generous delivery estimate. Guess I'm going to be waiting around on Monday too since it won't fit through the letterbox *sigh* Also I've never really had much time for...
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    School based anime and raising/ look after children

    I'm a sucker for cute things, but when it comes to anime I guess I have a double standard. I find children to be annoying much like Dr Grant (and I've yet to have an adventure through a dinosaur park to change my opinion) and spend as little time around them as possible but when it comes to...
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    Review of Highschool of the Dead

    I don't tend to think that far ahead...I now have the first two cardcaptor Sakura omnibuses, but am hesitant to read them because of how large/purty they are...don't want to bend them too much. By contrast the seven seas omnibus editions I have no problem with reading...probably because they...
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    Studio Gonzo : Good or Bad ?

    After quickly going through the list of their stuff (I don't tend to notice animation studios, outside of obvious series) at the moment I have to go for the third option. Series break down for me into: Crap: Hellsing (well the last half anyway) Enjoyed: FMP, Witchblade, Rosario vampire...
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    Review of Highschool of the Dead

    I was not aware of that until this moment. *bookmarks to think over* Might go for that given everytime I go to buy them one is always out of stock, and it takes ages to return.
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    Manga not releasing DBZ

    I know similar messages regarding imports have been posted several times on these forums before, but after having my hopes lifted in the other related thread, I've ended up going and importing the first two volumes of the kai blu rays. And I find S2+3 of family guy to be quite funny. After...
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    Review of Highschool of the Dead

    Thanks, put in a pre order for the blu ray edition a few minutes ago, so hopefully that'll turn up this week. Was also going to finally buy the first two volumes of the manga, but between seeing they were in stock when I searched for the blu ray, and going to buy things after checking my...