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  1. T

    Fullmetal Alchemist Vs. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    As I guess was the case for many a viewer, I found the first ~13 episodes of Brotherhood pretty naff, rushing through what the original series went into far more depth with. I think I even stalled for a while. Then finally when it moved into new stuff it picked up the pace and dragged me in just...
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    Second Series of Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere Confirmed

    Oh dear god why. 10 or 11 episodes in and apart from smug guy, booby sister and that one with a sword(?) I have no idea about the characters, or any motivation. That quiet one that we never see was meant to be important I think, she appeared on some promotional images I think. With no idea of...
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    Christmas gifts.

    Planetes and that's it. A far cry from last year when I had a whole hoard of anime DVDs. I did also buy the HSoTD omnibus for myself as a present. Also the walking dead compendium, so I now how two books I could probably use to kill people with blunt force /o/
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    Studio Ghibli to form part of Film4's Christmas line-up

    I've been recording the films I haven't seen. So far it's been a bit disappointing. Little Norse prince hasn't aged well, and tales from earthsea was terrible. Hopefully tomorrow "Only yesterday" and "Whispers of the heart" will give some of that Ghibli magic (if I get around to watching...
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Decided to get myself a Christmas present- the full colour Highschool of the dead omnibus.
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    Your anime viewing journal

    Tales from Earthsea. Oh wow what a boring film that was. I ended up drifting in and out of a nap for the last 20 minutes. Villains basically non existent, as was the story, or any sign of excitement. Sweet merciful crap I almost wasted 2 hours on this film :<
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    Studio Ghibli to form part of Film4's Christmas line-up

    I'll need to keep checking this thread so I can remind myself until my planner gets within range of the 10th+ of December. Need to watch Only Yesterday * The Cat Returns * Pom Poko * Ocean Waves * My Neighbour Totoro (yes yes I know, shocking)
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Tetragrammaton Labyrinth 2-6 (about two years after getting the first volume) Negima 32 Yotsuba 6 and 10 meaning I'll finally be up to date Bunny drop 4 Claymore 19 Sumomomomomomomomomomomo 9 It'll have to wait for my next spree, but after rereading the thread in the manga section my...
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    24/11/2011: New Manga Book Releases Available Now!

    I'm still pissed about the HSoTD omnibus. Saw a link to it from here on preorder a while back for £22. Decided to have a think about it- next time I checked it had gone up to £30. I've already bitched on ANN about how it's only $29 on >.>
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    What do think of the bleach manga?

    I have the first 28 volumes, and volume 1 is probably my most reread manga (only because I leave so long between buying I figure I'll just start over again). It isn't amazingly deep, but the first two arcs are pretty good, though I have heard a lot about trolling/"plotkai" later on. Bleach...
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    US Congress Rules That Pizza is a Vegetable

    Hot damn the heart attack I have on a plate every now and then is actually good for me. Thanks America, think I need to increase my "vegetable" intake ;)
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    Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water Japanese Blu-Ray Release

    Ah Nadia. I'd heard plenty of hate for the island arc before I started, but two episodes into that arc I was wondering what all the hate was about. And then it just kept going, and sucked away all of my enjoyment of the show :<
  13. T

    Final Volume of Excel Saga Published

    27? Ah crap that means I have to sit and hope for another five volumes to be released to complete the series. I own 22 but have yet to read beyond volume 4 so far despite it being one of the first manga series I started to collect in 2007 /o\
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    MVM looking to get the rights back to two older series...

    Depending on the price I might give Fruits basket a go. Already own KG having imported it a few years back now. One of the "meh" shows I've paid money for :(
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    Manga are releaseing DBZ. 2+2 DOES equal 5!

    Whoops a bit too late for me, I'm already about halfway through importing DBZ Kai on blu ray
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    I was initially just updating my on-going manga series: Negima 31 Higurashi Atonement arc 1 Hayate 18 Rosario 2.6 And then I decided why not and decided to splurge on a series I've been thinking about for over a year: The drifting classroom 1-11 :D
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    Spice and Wolf coming to the UK, courtesy of Manga?

    Still going to be importing the blu-ray of the second season when I get around to it. Might pick up the first season (seen it twice already) on DVD when it's cheaper
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Picked up the Moribito boxset, and the anime legends set of Witch Hunter Robin (I've been umming and ahhing over that for a few years now :lol: Also put in a hopeful order for planetes, as moved from 10 days to 3-5 days...while amazon remains at 1-3 months :/
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    Your anime viewing journal

    Episodes 11-24 of Kaiji in a row. I think it has frayed my nerves :lol:
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    Your anime viewing journal

    Episodes 5-10 of Kaiji. So far this show has taught me never trust anyone, as everyone is a jerk at heart :P Also finished off Dantalian. Man I found that one dull