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  1. T

    What manga are you reading now?

    Returned to Negima having left it at the uni house over the holiday. Read volume 14, have two volumes left. Going to finish up to 16 and take them back home so I can move some more manga from storage to my uni room bookshelf :lol:
  2. T

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Ah thanks. More then once I've spent five minutes (or more) trying to get a DVD out (so far only anime). Guess I'll have to be (Have slight OCD, and hate even faint fingerprints on the DVD :oops: )
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Negima, my-HiME and Escaflowne collections from playusa
  4. T

    Your anime viewing journal

    The first two DVDs of galaxy angel A.
  5. T

    Your anime viewing journal

    Slayers try episodes 14-24. Spent a few hours downstairs just watching the episodes on DVD
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    What manga are you reading now?

    Slowly making my way through the Galaxy angel manga which I decided to take back with me from Uni to leave at home. Also not manga, but I'm halfway through the first slayers novel. Some things seem a bit off as I'm use to the anime.
  7. T

    Best and worst anime of 2008

    I've lost track of time- it seems I watched gurren lagann in 07, so I'll probably go with Geass R2 as my favourite series this (last) year. Up and down, amazing at times, spectacularly stupid during others, with some great twists, and some from nowhere (along with some characters) that make...
  8. T

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Manga: High school girls boxset 1-6. If it's half as good as Azumanga I'll be happy. +Anima 4 Stray little devil (?) 1+2 Also slayers novels 3+4
  9. T

    Funimation set to announce 10 new licenses in December

    Glad with evangelion. Been wanting to watch it since I first heard of it. But I've looked at the funi website- 2010 for slayers, late 2009 for Evangelion. Jeez they like taking their time :(
  10. T

    Funimation set to announce 10 new licenses in December

    I wasn't aware of that. And I do have a crunchyroll account. Guess I'll check it out. Which reminds me I need to get back to shugo chara. You didn't see this last part :lol:
  11. T

    Funimation set to announce 10 new licenses in December

    Slayers revolution made me happy. Soul eater also. Just a shame no DVDs are apparently out for SE until late 09...where I'm currently up to episode 28 just before the C&D order. I'm great when it comes to timing :(
  12. T

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    The first three volumes of +Anima The first two slayers novels Oh and a couple volumes of Ikkit- I mean "Battle vixens"
  13. T

    The Funimation thread, sponsered by great dubs, licences....

    I wish they would stop issuing C&D orders on fansubbers without actually announcing a license of said show. Still waiting to get past episode 6 of slayers revolution (whenever you feel like releasing some DVDs guys). Honestly if they said stop, we're licensing I wouldn't mind and would start...
  14. T

    Your anime viewing journal

    Watched the final volume of season 1 of Black lagoon. It was good. Don't know what else to say :P
  15. T

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Treated myself to a couple of figures, including ... konata.jpg and ... /asuka.jpg
  16. T

    London Expo 2008 news

    I managed to get US season 3 of slayers (complete) for £12 But revolution is being licensed? Hell yeah 8)
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Rei. Was hoping for Asuka, but hey Rei is just as good :P
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    London expo

    Long queue was long :twisted: Whoops, never checked on here before I went. Still, managed to buy some things :D
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Brought Dokuro chan a few days ago. Was shipped yesterday. Today picked up: ... P_4819.jpg
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    Revelation Films announce their Q1 2009 UK anime releases

    Hmmm a while ago I spotted the FMA part 1+2 on amazon (as an import) and decided to wait to see if they'd come out here. If it's a decent price I might pick it up.