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  1. C

    What was your first manga?

    Mine was 2nd hand Psychic girl Mai and Crying Freeman vol 1-3 ^^
  2. C

    Hewoooooooo \\^_^ ^_^//

    ashmaster #thumbsup loooove ur avatar =^^=
  3. C

    AmeCon '06

    Woot! I'm going this year and I've got cosplay's in the works so look out for Ouka from hack//dusk in the masquerades ^^
  4. C

    FuyuCon 2007

    Hmmm I've sent off a registration but I'll hang on for a couple of months me thinkx ^^
  5. C

    Hewoooooooo \\^_^ ^_^//

    Cheerz ^^
  6. C

    Hewoooooooo \\^_^ ^_^//

    Hiya! I'm Christy and I'm a long term addict of the anime and manga bug. Check out what I've seen and got in my siggy. I'm off to Amecon this August so see whoever's goin there.