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  1. H

    Funimation license Trinity Blood

    Ah its a great show alright ill be picking it up when it comes out but given thats its taken them 16 months to get the first volume of Samuari 7 done im not holding my breath
  2. H

    Heylo, I'm Danimé :D YAY

    Welcome to the board
  3. H

    Viz Media License SaiKano OVA

    I know but in the past when Viz have co-produced something they said so and wither way they would have said it when it was annouced
  4. H

    Anime Expo ADV Films news.

    Yes but anime fandom has changed alot since then now alot of people watch fansubs and have gotten to appericate the japanese audio more and you also have to remember the great amjority of VHS releases where dub only so they where always going to greatly outsell subbed tapes
  5. H

    UK's Rapture TV confirm plans for anime

    Good news that, i probably wont watch it that often, i never remember about things on tv, but its nice to have the option
  6. H

    Viz Media License SaiKano OVA

    No just a standard pre-licence it would have been noticed by someone before if they co-produced it
  7. H

    Anime Expo ADV Films news.

    Just one thing if you dont watech dubs Harmony Gold are still selling the whole of the AnimEigo version for $125 on and it will most likley be cheaper and better quality. You see when they got the rights AE spend a fortune on remastering Macross and later when ADV where working...
  8. H

    New Bandai Licenses

    We'll probably find out when ANN puts up the full panel report
  9. H

    New Bandai Licenses

    Well Destiny was announced on a few months ago, i was really hoping they'd licence ZZ or X of the Zeta movies :( Ah well, i was also execpting Aquarion and/or Banner Of the Stars III to be announced too
  10. H

    Anime Expo Geneon Licenses

    Good to hear :P
  11. H

    Anime Expo Geneon Licenses

    Happy now?
  12. H

    ~The avatar thread~

    Very nice avatar. My new one is Max Jenius from Macross 7
  13. H

    TRSI license 2X2=Shinobuden

    From what ive heard this is actually a very funny show and very good, havent seen it myself but alot of people have reccommened it to me
  14. H

    Hellsing OVA update

    Its possible he does alot of VG work, He was also in Star Trek 6 and Sea Quest DSV
  15. H

    New Guyver trailer online

    Kinda surprising they didnt annouce the licence this weekend :?
  16. H

    Anything worth watching

    Yeah pretty much and the movies where no where near as chessey
  17. H

    Anything worth watching

    If you going to start with the older Gundam stuff the best place is the movie trilogy or the original tv series both tell the same story, the TV series is alot longer but the R1's are dub only the movies are sub only but tell the story just as well are alot cheaper and are available in the UK
  18. H

    Most anticipated July UK release?

    The two Gundam movies
  19. H


    Welcome to the board
  20. H

    Geneon begin week of announcements

    Well the production company will have a much better idea of its lenght than the public so if someone is interested in the licence the production company will tell them. As it is its going to be over 50, rumours say its only to be about 70-80, and thats still alot longer than an avarage show and...