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  1. H

    December 2005 UK anime DVD releases

    Planetes is about a group of everyday garbage men/women who happen to work in space one of which dreams of joining the crew of the first manned mission to Jupitar. Its another story of ordinary people in an extra-ordinary setting. BTW Seed vol 8 has shipped but 7 has been delayed until next...
  2. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Here's some of mine any my mates Red-chan's ... CN0282.jpg ... CN0268.jpg ... CN0220.jpg ... CN0225.jpg...
  3. H

    5th December UK anime releases

    Yeah but has anyone actually got 7&8 yet? Play still says awaiting stock and i know people who ordered it from Amazon who's orders have moved and the sit lists its availabilty as 4-6 weeks. Looks like they've been delayed but Beez hasn't told anyone yet
  4. H

    08th MS Team: A recommendation by a Mecha Fanboy

    The Easy Eight was the name given the eight and final varient of the Sherman tank that was originally based on a field modication of one of the earlier versions. And yes that is where the name of the EZ8 comes from its not just a coincidence, there are other referances to tanks, weapons etc...
  5. H

    Tomo-Dachi 2006 announces its arrival

    I'll be heading up to this so i hope to see you guys there
  6. H

    08th MS Team: A recommendation by a Mecha Fanboy

    Yeah i love that fight, you gotta love teh fact Shrio rips off his own Gundam's arm and uses it as a club :D
  7. H

    Bandai president discusses European ambitions

    Its the same site as though
  8. H

    So whats your desktop?

    NICE!!! :shock:
  9. H

    Bandai president discusses European ambitions

    Yeah that long, tbh i doubt they've even tried to get it up and running because it doesnt take 3+ years to get a site up.
  10. H

    08th MS Team: A recommendation by a Mecha Fanboy

    It is one of the best Gundam shows and can be watched without any prior knowledge of Gunadm. Its also got a very differant feel from alot of Gundam shows, where the others where basically space opera's 08th MS is basically a Vietnam movie with mecha. The Complete Collections of the three UC...
  11. H

    Bandai president discusses European ambitions

    Its been under constriuction since at least 2002!
  12. H

    Bandai president discusses European ambitions

    Yeah France has a huge Anime/manga market and the market in Italy is quite big too, their big fans of old super robot shows over there
  13. H

    Tokyopop UK December releases

    Get Crest of the Stars you wont regreat it
  14. H

    November's Great Unwashed Anime

    Dont worry its not a major issue but if your making corrections you should know theres no such word as Zentraedian, its always been referered to as the Zentradi Invasion or Space War I.
  15. H

    Most anticipated December UK release?

    SEED 7&8, the final scene on disk 8 is easily the most impressive of the whole show
  16. H

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Finally ordered SAC vol. 6 on thursday, already had 7 and the box, and a mate of mine got me the first Blood: The Last Vampire novel on saturday.
  17. H

    November's Great Unwashed Anime

    I can't believe a Macross fan confused an F-14 for an F-15 :roll: Ever Macross fan should know the 14 becasue its what the VF-1 was based on :P This is what he was flying a F-14A+ Kai Super Tomcat
  18. H

    GONZO create live action label

    The Sci-Fi channel is apparently working on a live action WHR and Noir is 'inspired' by various live action movies so making an live action version of it is rather pointless. Blue Sub could be quite good though, it will be interesting to see how they handle Zorndike's creatures
  19. H

    Steamboy set for UK theatrical release?

    ah good to see Sony finally getting their finger out and doing something with this.
  20. H

    Review: Gunsmith Cats: Bulletproof

    You should its a really cool OVA, made cooler by the fact its an original story not just as adapation of some of the manga, it's very stylish with alot of attention to detail and Rally is one of the best anime lead's ever. And of course it has the Cobra 8)