Search results

  1. W

    Anime Series/Films With Misleading Beginnings..

    Angel Cop. The First episode is pure cop drama, it then goes utterly supernatural and wierd after that. And it also goes utterly crap (Though as I have said elsewhere, the dub is pure diabolical anyway)
  2. W

    The most ecchi anime ever!

    Note the irony :roll: Well I really meant there was nothing of interest at all, in any shape or form. :wink:
  3. W

    Rate the last anime you watched!

    The last full series I watched was Chrono Crusade about a week ago. Been meaning to get it for a long time, but it kept slipping through until I saw the box set cheap on amazon. In all, it was quite good. I never expected it (and it never pretended to be) something utterly groundbreaking, but...
  4. W

    The most ecchi anime ever!

    Kekko Kamen was an eyesore that's true, but Puni Puni Poemi was just pure hilarity (Then again the comentary track on the dub, if anything, is even funnier!) Elfen Lied is a bit gratuitous certainly, but then again so is Ghost in the Shell (Is there any reason she wears like, hardly...
  5. W

    Your anime viewing journal

    Only managed Nausicaa to follow it up though :P
  6. W

    Your anime viewing journal

    Phew, during yesterday while writing away I ended up watching the following: Dominion Tank Police 1-4 Kiki's Delivery Service New Dominion Tank Police 1-6 My Neighbour Totoro Laputa: Castle in the sky Writing does make me do things like that :roll:
  7. W

    She, the Ultimate Weapon (Saikano)

    I got the individual dvds for £5 each at a sale in Virgin in Exeter (Just before they turned it into 'Zavvi' - It was the only reason I even bought the series really, I had seen several trailers ALL of which seemed to point to the sci fi element being matched with the romance, but that never...
  8. W

    She, the Ultimate Weapon (Saikano)

    The concept is alright, nothing particularly intreaguing, but rather than use the concept to do a science fiction love story, it basically used the sci fi bit as nothing more than a simple plot device and went all for the love story. Hence, it feels padded even for 13 episodes, simply because...
  9. W

    Why is Neon Genesis Evangelion so darn popular?

    Commonly true, but not in my case - I saw the series long before I ever knew it was 'popular' (2002 all I had was the sci fi channel and no Animefandom beyond it) Besides, your argument isn't exactly solid - The Studio Ghibli films are insanely popular - and I adore them 8)
  10. W

    Why is Neon Genesis Evangelion so darn popular?

    See this post of mine for my opinion of Eva: ... ht=#166522 And no, it has not changed.
  11. W

    Why is Neon Genesis Evangelion so darn popular?

    I don't know is my answer. Personally it is extremely mediocre with a diabolically bad ending. I can't see my view of it ever changing.
  12. W

    Origin: Spirits of the Past

    A random buy from HMV yesterday. The cover looked great, the animation looked a bit different, and the blurb made me think a little of Nausicaa. I took the plunge despite the 94 minutes running tag seeming dangerously short. (Haven't bought an Anime film since Earthsea so really felt like it!)...
  13. W

    Most Epic Anime Music Ever

    Escaflowne's gregorian chants do it every time for me.
  14. W

    Flute Link - Otakon 2008

    Had to post this, been floating around since this morning, and quite aside from some amazing playing it is just... amazing. Quite aside from me being an Ocarina of Time Fanboy (Still my 'best game ever' approaching 10 years after release) it is just great fun...
  15. W

    American shows or comics that would be a good anime

    Thinking aside the mark a little, I always thought Tolkien's 'The Silmarillion' would really work as an OVA series (where there is no restriction on episode length) possibly the only 'visual' format that could really pull it off. That old Australian (seen on CITV years ago!) series...
  16. W

    Your views on the following anime:

    Aside from Paprika and a few episodes of Planetes, I have not seen any of those! Paprika is amazing though. It is simply a really fun film, it does cover some disturbing stuff, but in true Kon fasion it basically keeps lighthearted all the way through with it (Happy Family Planning in PA...
  17. W

    Best Anime Intro Ever?

    Series I would say Escaflowne, I just think the combo of the song and the visuals is brilliant. Film wise, i'm not so sure. Totoro's is crazy fun, but I rather like Metropolis' more.
  18. W

    ITT: Scenes that made you cry.

    Well, the whole of grave of the fireflies is a given. Several others have hit me with the 'tear in the eye' moments. Serial Experiments Lain has one in the last episode when Lain seems utterly alone and her father comes in and basically says she is a god and can do anything. The scene is...
  19. W

    Worst dub ever

    The Tank Police dub is pretty good actually. True it is unintentionally funny at times, and Buaku's voice acting is pretty bad here and there, but the fact that it is largely a comedy works for it.
  20. W

    Worst dub ever

    Angel Cop is my worst, though a good majority of the early Manga dubs are pretty damn awful. And I prefer dubs! but sometimes there is a line, and Manga crossed it!