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  1. D

    The General Conversation Area

    It's 20 to 8 and I'm finally done for the day. I say done, but actually I just mean I finished todays work, I didn't get a chance to do anything with the essay or home project we've been set... _| ̄|○ I'm having a great time but the workload is so insane compared to what I'm used to!
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    Hi ^^ *gives out cookies*

    *munch* othnx, nice to meet you. (:
  3. D

    Serious topic!

    I like cats, they look after themselves. Sure, they're complete assholes, and we'd all see them for the evil creatures they are if they weren't so cute, but I kind of like that about my cat. (:
  4. D

    The General Conversation Area

    Hey, just got in from college. ...which means it's time to start working. -_-'
  5. D

    Animax on in the UK?

    My philosophy is you can do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't harm anybody else, and since nobody was harmed in the making of loli images then people should be free to look at them if they want, it's all well and good saying 'I'm not a loli, so I don't care' but it'll be something...
  6. D

    Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles - 27/11/09

    Umbrella Chronicles was a royal letdown, this is a pass for me.
  7. D

    The General Conversation Area

    Hi and bye!
  8. D

    Flirting while in a relationship is...

    Look don't touch
  9. D

    DVD Storage

    Get another bookcase!
  10. D

    Anime in the UK

    Well, theres Ghost in the Shell:SAC&2nd Gig + Cowboy Bebop on 188 showcase tv every morning (maybe just weekdays) from 4-6am, and they put ghiblis and stuff on film4, but other then that I don't know.
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    The General Conversation Area

    Just got back from my first day at college. (: Enjoyed it but I'm absolutley wreaked now.
  12. D

    Anime in the UK

    That sounds like a good idea, even if it would be quite a short topic.
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    Gmask Puzzle Game

    Nice one ayase, your turn.
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    Gmask Puzzle Game

    One sec I'll ready the next one. (: Edit: here, good luck!
  15. D

    Gmask Puzzle Game

    Are these supposed to be impossible? V.V WAIT - SWEET LORD, I DID IT
  16. D

    The good the bad and the ugly

    Interesting, I'm going to try this Hunter X Hunter out. *adds to plan to watch list*
  17. D

    Ponyo UK Release date

    Thanks for the heads up. I might go see it in the cinema anyway (if it's in one close by), I've never seen an anime on the big screen.
  18. D

    Your anime viewing journal

    Kino's Journey episodes 1-5 This anime is so intelligent it makes me feel like an idiot because I can't always get it.