Search results

  1. C

    bleach vs naruto vs one piece

    Kind of weird choice to make for me as I've watched Naruto and a lot of bleach but I've only read 10 volumes of One Piece. Even though I think they're all brilliant series, I will have to say Naruto just because it has nice mix of different feelings in it. Also I just like the characters and...
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    Count to a Million

  3. C

    1 word to describe your day

    Freeloader (at long last!)
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    Count to a Million

    2632 "You dirt bags have been in 3rd place for the last 5 years!" "Yeah? Well you're about to be in......DEAD place!"
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    Count to a Million

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    Hey hows it going?!
  7. C

    Which Superhero or Supervillian are you?

    Inspired by Manga Girl's geek thread and the video game addict test I thought it would be interesting to see what results people get from this test as there seem to be many results for these: here are the links: Superhero test Supervillian test...
  8. C

    What is lolicon?

    I've never watched lolicon so I don't have an opinion on it but I think I might wacth some as I will never have an opinion on it if I don't! Is Kodomo no Jikan the most famous one then?
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    Gaming Arrival Thread

    Turok for 360 Advance Wars: Dark Conflict for DS oh and for any advance wars fans - the new look and storyline is great and the co-powers have been majorly dumbed down - it is pure strategic brilliance with wi-fi!
  10. C

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Cool glad to see someone else loves this film! I hear your sister's goin out with Squeak! Anyway Anchorman 10/10 If you love the frat pack style (Will Farell and his buddies) of humour then this is right up your street and is perhaps the most quoteable comedy ever.
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    Are you a Geek?

    Yeah most tests are like that on the internet, whatever the subject is. Well maybe apart from the infamous death clocks
  12. C

    Pokemon Red/Blue

    I had a complete set apart from Jungle - I was too young to understand how the game worked! I sucked at it!
  13. C

    The Music Appreciation Thread

    Yeah I think a dedicated music forum - I was a bit taken back when I saw there wasn't one for the first time! My music mainly focuses on rock and its different strands but I have also been known to listen to some 30's blues music. At the minute it is mainly 90's music The main songs I'm...
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    Manga Girls is in The Daily Telegraph today!

    Cheers for the link. That was really well written. Congratulations again!
  15. C

    Are you a Geek?

    Yeah that isn't the greatest of tests. Especially the instant messenger related questions as many non-geeks could answer yes to some of those questions! It usually varies with every test! I think the only one that is accurate was the video game addict test I took where I got about 94%! heres...
  16. C

    A ******* TREMOR just hit the area.

    I slept through the whole thing - my dad came in to see if it was me banging on the walls (why he thought that I don't know!) - I remember laughing at the report on the teletext "a man suffered leg injuries". Trust us to try and seensationalise something that probably wasn't that serious!
  17. C

    Manga Recomendations

    Shonen + Viz = Full Metal Alchemist I didn't see it on the list so get it! You won't regret it! If you like Naruto, Bleach etc I also recommended: One Piece Shaman King Dragonball Gin Tama As far as gory ones go - the only one I know (I'm new too!) is Hellsing but that is definately...
  18. C

    Pokemon Red/Blue

    Yeah the days of pokemon red and blue were great! I remember one of my friends had a shiny charizard in his first ever pack of cards and everyone tried to trade it but with no results. I think I've still got my cards left. Isn't there many series of the cards now? When I was collecting it was...
  19. C

    What games are you looking foward to in 2008?

    The new issue of NGamer had a small preview section on it and it does look interesting. On my can't wait list too! I'm also interested in the Sonic RPG I forget the name now!
  20. C

    Manga Girls is in The Daily Telegraph today!

    Congrats Manga Girls! It's always good to get a bit of success and get to show off your work! By the time I got to my local shop they had sold out (they don't have much stock!) is there any chance it was online at all? what was the title of your article?