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  1. ShipTeaser

    Your anime viewing journal

    Just watched Expelled from Paradise and i'll be honest i wasn't expecting much going into it but i found it very good. The ending though i found it quite sad that the AI didnt have any companions on his voyage
  2. ShipTeaser

    Figure discussion/picture thread

    Nice. Can't go wrong with the detolf cases.
  3. ShipTeaser

    The General Conversation Area

    Yeah it's horribly hot. I dont mind the day but trying to sleep in this is lame
  4. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    So, all done with the Platinum on Omega quintet and it was very grindy there at the end. still 71 hours wasn't too bad i don't think I am also playing Pokemon Go like the known universe but my pokemon currently suck heh Going to take a game break to finish up some anime i want to watch, then...
  5. ShipTeaser

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    The theory seems to be it'll adapt volume six. Which would be epic
  6. ShipTeaser

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Excellent. Got my preorder in so that they know the support is still there. Although at this point I doubt it'll get cancelled as we keep pulling through each volume *smile*
  7. ShipTeaser

    The General Conversation Area

    Yes, that's quite the funny worery there *smile* Anyone else hate having to replace their keyboard? I have a new one and it is different so i am typing like a muppet right now...
  8. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Update on my Platinum crusade... about 60 hours in on Omega Quintet (would have played more but i went up a mountain or two (stupid Pen y fan) and got really drunk, then came down with a virus so i've been laid up, but i digress...) anyway, finished the main story, which i really enjoyed...
  9. ShipTeaser

    Figure discussion/picture thread

    That is a very nice collection! Yep, figures sure do take up a ton of space. Speaking of figures... finally arrived. I do have three other figures to unbox (including an epic rarity for me, a figure of a male character :mrgreen: ) but i'm going to leave those until next week. Awesome figure...
  10. ShipTeaser

    Your anime viewing journal

    Funnily enough i've just started a rewatch of this. I personally love it, but it's a very marmite series indeed. yesterday I watched Saekano - Not as clever as it thinks it is, but the characters are oddly endearing despite usually being jerks. Eriri for the win of course. (Just my shipping...
  11. ShipTeaser

    Overseas The Aniplex Thread

    Yep, all over Owarimonogatari like wolves on steak. Now just need some news on Koyomimonogatari
  12. ShipTeaser

    [Overseas] The Anime Expo 2016 Thread

    Yeah, I quite enjoyed yamada-kun, even if it truncated the manga pretty badly in places, so that's a must buy. Interesting to see what the hell they do with Gintama though, but my wallet will wait and see
  13. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    So instead of getting Final Fantasy X i saw Omega Quintet on sale so picked up that instead. ye gods this game is insanely hard. Still, i'm ploughing through as once i start i don't quit until Plat. You can see the Neptunia influences (indeed quite a lot of the enemies/level bits are reused)...
  14. ShipTeaser

    The General Conversation Area

    So yesterday was my last day at work oficially, so I'm now unemployed. Money shouldn't be an issue for a while as I got a respectable redundacy but don't want to be out of the market for too long (My spending habits wouldn't allow it heh) So my first port of call is now to plan a kickass...
  15. ShipTeaser

    [Overseas] The Anime Expo 2016 Thread

    Late to the party I am... but meh. Not even on my top ten wants list. I am dissapoint.
  16. ShipTeaser

    [Overseas] The Anime Expo 2016 Thread

    Here's hoping for some epic new light novels from Yen Press. You all know what I want :)
  17. ShipTeaser

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    They released a couple of volumes digitally only (with a pretty poor translation/qc) and then stopped the releases. And sadly no-one is ever likely to licence rescue
  18. ShipTeaser

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    If they are the bunch of clowns who screwed up the english release of Hidan No Aria light novels then they can burn in a sea of nice hellfire. I really wanted that series in english and they kinda murdered the dog on that one...
  19. ShipTeaser

    What manga are you reading now?

    I read Psycome 1 the other day. Now that is an awesome light novel. Had not heard of it until Yen Press picked it up, but it's become one of my favourites after just one volume. roll on volume 2. I have also been reading C3 - cubed, cursed, curious. Up to volume 8 now and it continues good...
  20. ShipTeaser

    Currency vs Brexit: GBP Losses

    From a historical standpoint drops always overcompensate to start with. I daresay we'll rise to around $1.40 per pound soon and it'll hover there for a while. markets hate uncertainty, but when they realise that the actual exit is a few years off it'll rebalance. Of course any drop is bad for...