Search results

  1. ShipTeaser

    Aged or Avantgarde? Which do you prefer?

    Well, Redline is simply awesome on every level anyway, never mind whether you call it 'new' or not. As for getting bored of the same old tropes... nope, never. I like those tropes for a reason and eat them up like a starving wolf-pup after a ten year winter. However, new and fresh is always...
  2. ShipTeaser

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    It is a great looking set I have it on order too. I approve
  3. ShipTeaser

    What did you BUY today?

    Dropped the cash on that new KonoSuba artbook. Needs me some EXPLOSIONS i do. Price on CDJapan was decent
  4. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just downloaded Project Diva Future Tone and all the DLC. Guess that watching Mikunopolis is Los Angeles put me in the mood. So at least this should keep me busy a while
  5. ShipTeaser

    A Naruto ending relationship discussion (fan shipping opinions)

    while I appreciate the effort you've gone to here... I kinda wonder if some of this is just such highbrow irony/mockery that i'm just not smart enough to get it?
  6. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    And lo and behold Fate/Extellia The Umbral Star is Platinum. So 29 in the bag now. Anyway, here is the Grind Report. Pretty grindy. You need to complete every mission on the hardest difficulty and most of the main story missions on hard (in fact it's probably easier to do them all on hard first...
  7. ShipTeaser

    What manga are you reading now?

    Death March To The Parallel World Rhapsody 1 Top quality, really looking forwards to where this is going next volume. All these transported to a game world novels seem to be really popular lately, but at least a lot of them are pretty good
  8. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Nice going. You'll have overtaken me soon heh Still banging away at Umbral Star. Not too far off the Plat so maybe next few days or so.
  9. ShipTeaser

    What manga are you reading now?

    Dunno if it counts as Manga but ive been reading Release that Witch the chinese webnovel. And its really really good. Reads more like a light novel that a traditional chinese style. The translation has its issues but its far from a dealbreaker. I also read monster musume 10 and as ever it was...
  10. ShipTeaser

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    So i see To Love Ru Darkness is ending. If it finishes as its going with a Haruna ending i'll lose all faith in harem manga from now on
  11. ShipTeaser

    List of Light Novels Released in English

    Yeah looking forwards to physical copies of Grimgar and if that works hopefully it could lead to more
  12. ShipTeaser

    The Gaming News Thread (for news that doesn't need a thread)

    I really don't see why. At best you get a few panty shots of girls who are of legal age. It's just a silly comedy game.
  13. ShipTeaser

    What Music are you listening to? Discussions Welcome!

    Listening to the new Metallica Album as we speak. It's good, but suffers from the same problem as Death Magnetic, that every song is like 4 minutes too long as their solo's outstay their welcome something fierce. Probably worth a 7.5 though
  14. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Gratz on another plat! Speaking of said Platinums, just got mine on Gal Gun Double Peace (Number 28 for me... wish i had more time for games but anime takes up 70% of my free time heh) and am back up to 100% trophy completion. Just in time for Fate: Umbral Star heh. Anyway, Gal Gun was...
  15. ShipTeaser

    Your anime viewing journal

    Konosuba Season 1 Finally got around to streaming this. I enjoyed it quite a lot, even if it isn't quite my usual thing. Megumin is quality, i must say
  16. ShipTeaser

    The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

    Aye its definitely good news to have print options. I shall be buying
  17. ShipTeaser

    What manga are you reading now?

    I really like the Isolator. Shame he writes it so slow in comparison to his other works
  18. ShipTeaser

    How big is your anime backlog?

    It is indeed. I have a few manga series and one game left to clear and then my time is free and clear heh
  19. ShipTeaser

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Making solid progress on GalGun Double Peace now. Got the biggest skill related trophy Gal God for getting the highest possible rank, and just have the grind to fill out all the girls... And two idiot check touchpad trophies which should be easy but i am finding a real ballache. Oh well daresay...
  20. ShipTeaser

    How big is your anime backlog?

    Happily i am all up to date again and have watched everything i own at least once. I celebrated with a rewatch of Future Diary. Sweet sweet yandere